trait RichTest { val s1 = """abc""" val s2 = """abc\txyz\n""" val s3 = """abc xyz""" val s4 = """abc |xyz""" val s5 = """abc #xyz""" def getObjectName: String = { val cn = this.getClass().getName() cn.substring(0, cn.length-1) } def length[A](it: Iterator[A]) = it.toList length def length[A](it: Iterable[A]) = it.toList length def run: Unit } object RichCharTest1 extends RichTest { def run { Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") Console.println('\40'.isWhitespace) Console.println('\011'.isWhitespace) Console.println('1'.asDigit == 1) Console.println('A'.asDigit == 10) } } // object RichCharTest2 extends RichTest { // case class C(s: String) { // private val it = s.elements // private var c: Char = _ // def ch(): Char = c // def nextch(): Unit = { c = if (it.hasNext) else ';' } // def err(msg: String) = Console.println(msg) // nextch() // } // def run { // Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") // val c1 = C("x4A;") // val s1 = xml.Utility.parseCharRef(, c1.nextch, c1.err) // val c2 = C("74;") // val s2 = xml.Utility.parseCharRef(, c2.nextch, c2.err) // Console.println(s1 == s2) // } // } object RichIntTest extends RichTest { private val n = 10 private val m = -2 def run { Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") Console.println(length(0 until n)) Console.println(length(0 to n)) Console.println(length(m until n)) Console.println(length(m to n)) Console.println(length(n until m)) Console.println(length(n to m)) } } object RichStringTest1 extends RichTest { def run { Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") Console.println("s1: " + s1) Console.println("s2: " + s2) Console.println("s3: " + s3) Console.println("s4: " + s4) Console.println("s5: " + s5) } } object RichStringTest2 extends RichTest { def run { Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") Console.print("s1: "); s1.lines foreach Console.println Console.print("s2: "); s2.lines foreach Console.println Console.print("s3: "); s3.lines foreach Console.println Console.print("s4: "); s4.lines foreach Console.println Console.print("s5: "); s5.lines foreach Console.println } } object RichStringTest3 extends RichTest { def run { Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") Console.println("s1: " + s1.stripLineEnd) Console.println("s2: " + s2.stripLineEnd) Console.println("s3: " + s3.stripLineEnd) Console.println("s4: " + s4.stripLineEnd) Console.println("s5: " + s5.stripLineEnd) } } object RichStringTest4 extends RichTest { def run { Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") Console.println("s1: " + s1.stripMargin) Console.println("s2: " + s2.stripMargin) Console.println("s3: " + s3.stripMargin) Console.println("s4: " + s4.stripMargin) Console.println("s5: " + s5.stripMargin) } } object RichStringTest5 extends RichTest { def run { Console.println("\n" + getObjectName + ":") Console.println("s1: " + s3.stripMargin('#')) Console.println("s2: " + s3.stripMargin('#')) Console.println("s3: " + s3.stripMargin('#')) Console.println("s4: " + s4.stripMargin('#')) Console.println("s5: " + s5.stripMargin('#')) } } object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // } }