ConcreteTypeTag[Bar.type], underlying = <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int,Bar] with Serializable{case def unapply(x$0: Bar): Option[Int]} with Singleton ConcreteTypeTag[Bar], underlying = <: Product with Serializable{val x: Int; def copy(x: Int): Bar; def copy$default$1: Int; def _1: Int} ConcreteTypeTag[Product with Serializable], underlying = Product with Serializable ConcreteTypeTag[Bar.type], underlying = <: scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1[Int,Bar] with Serializable{case def unapply(x$0: Bar): Option[Int]} with Singleton ConcreteTypeTag[Bar], underlying = <: Product with Serializable{val x: Int; def copy(x: Int): Bar; def copy$default$1: Int; def _1: Int} ConcreteTypeTag[Product with Serializable], underlying = Product with Serializable