import object Test { /** * Type inference overlooks constraints posed by type parameters in annotations on types. */ val testCode = class posingAs[A] extends TypeConstraint def resolve[A,B](x: A @posingAs[B]): B = x.asInstanceOf[B] val x = resolve(7: @posingAs[Any]) .text def main(args: Array[String]) = { val tool = new Interpreter(new Settings()) val global = tool.compiler // when running that compiler, give it a scala-library to the classpath global.settings.classpath.value = System.getProperty("java.class.path") import global._ import definitions._ object checker extends AnnotationChecker { /** Check annotations to decide whether tpe1 <:< tpe2 */ def annotationsConform(tpe1: Type, tpe2: Type): Boolean = { tpe1.annotations.forall(a1 => tpe2.annotations.forall(a2 => a1.atp <:< a2.atp)) } } global.addAnnotationChecker(checker) tool.interpret(testCode) } }