object Other { abstract class Foo { type R1 <: { def x: Any } type R2 <: R1 { def x: Int } def f(x: R2) = x.x } abstract class Bar { trait R0 { def x: Any } type R1 <: R0 { def x: AnyVal } type R2 <: R1 { def x: Int } def f(x: R2) = x.x } } object Test { trait A trait B def x(a: (A { val y: Int }) with B { val y: Int }) = a.y class C extends A with B { val y = 456 } class Bippy { def x: Int = 789 } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(x(new A with B { val y = 123 })) println(x(new C)) { val foo = new Other.Foo { type R1 = Bippy ; type R2 = Bippy } println(foo.f(new Bippy)) } { val bar = new Other.Bar { type R1 = Bippy with R0 ; type R2 = R1 } println(bar.f(new Bippy with bar.R0)) } } }