import collection._ /** Sorted maps should have `filterKeys` and `mapValues` which return sorted maps. * Mapping, filtering, etc. on these views should return sorted maps again. */ object Test extends App { val sortedmap = SortedMap(1 -> false, 2 -> true, 3 -> false, 4 -> true) println(sortedmap.filterKeys(_ % 2 == 0): SortedMap[Int, Boolean]) println(sortedmap.mapValues(_ + "!"): SortedMap[Int, String]) println(sortedmap.filterKeys(_ % 2 == 0).map(t => (t._1, t._2.toString.length)): SortedMap[Int, Int]) println(sortedmap.mapValues(_ + "!").map(t => (t._1, t._2.toString.length)): SortedMap[Int, Int]) println(sortedmap.filterKeys(_ % 2 == 0).filter(t => t._1 < 2): SortedMap[Int, Boolean]) println(sortedmap.mapValues(_ + "!").filter(t => t._1 < 2): SortedMap[Int, String]) val immsortedmap = immutable.SortedMap(1 -> false, 2 -> true, 3 -> false, 4 -> true) println(immsortedmap.filterKeys(_ % 2 == 0): immutable.SortedMap[Int, Boolean]) println(immsortedmap.mapValues(_ + "!"): immutable.SortedMap[Int, String]) println(immsortedmap.filterKeys(_ % 2 == 0).map(t => (t._1, t._2.toString.length)): immutable.SortedMap[Int, Int]) println(immsortedmap.mapValues(_ + "!").map(t => (t._1, t._2.toString.length)): immutable.SortedMap[Int, Int]) println(immsortedmap.filterKeys(_ % 2 == 0).filter(t => t._1 < 2): immutable.SortedMap[Int, Boolean]) println(immsortedmap.mapValues(_ + "!").filter(t => t._1 < 2): immutable.SortedMap[Int, String]) }