import; import import import object Test extends BytecodeTest { def annotationsForClass(className: String): Option[String] = { val classNode = loadClassNode(className, skipDebugInfo = false) val textifier = new Textifier classNode.accept(new TraceClassVisitor(null, textifier, null)) val classString = stringFromWriter(w => textifier.print(w)) classString .split('\n') .filterNot(_.contains("@Lscala/reflect/ScalaSignature")) .find(_.contains("@L")) .map(_.trim) } def show { // It seems like @java.lang.Deprecated shows up in both the // Deprecated attribute and RuntimeVisibleAnnotation attribute, // while @scala.deprecated only shows up in the Deprecated attribute. // The check file just documents status quo, not sure if Scala // should brought in line with Java or not... // See the commit message and SI-8883 for more info. println(annotationsForClass("DJava")) println(annotationsForClass("DScala")) println(annotationsForClass("S")) println(annotationsForClass("C")) println(annotationsForClass("R")) } }