import scala.collection._ /** A sorted set should not replace elements when adding * and the element already exists in the set. */ object Test { class Foo(val name: String, val n: Int) { override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match { case other: Foo => name ==; case _ => false } override def hashCode = name.## override def toString = "Foo(" + name + ", " + n + ")" } implicit val ordering: Ordering[Foo] = Ordering.fromLessThan[Foo] { (a, b) => < 0 } def check[S <: Set[Foo]](set: S) { def output(s: Set[Foo]) = println(s.toList.sorted.mkString(",")) output(set + new Foo("bar", 2)) output(set ++ List(new Foo("bar", 2), new Foo("bar", 3), new Foo("bar", 4))) output(set union Set(new Foo("bar", 2), new Foo("baz", 3), new Foo("bazz", 4))) } def main(args: Array[String]) { check(Set(new Foo("bar", 1))) check(immutable.Set(new Foo("bar", 1))) check(mutable.Set(new Foo("bar", 1))) check(immutable.SortedSet(new Foo("bar", 1))) check(mutable.SortedSet(new Foo("bar", 1))) } }