import scala.collection.immutable._ object Test extends App { def test0() { val m=ListMap(1->2,3->4) if(m.tail ne m.tail) println("ListMap.tail uses a builder, so it is not O(1)") } def test1() { // test that a HashTrieMap with one leaf element is not created! val x = HashMap.empty + (1->1) + (2->2) if(x.getClass.getSimpleName != "HashTrieMap") println("A hash map containing two non-colliding values should be a HashTrieMap") val y = x - 1 if(y.getClass.getSimpleName != "HashMap1") println("A hash map containing one element should always use HashMap1") } def test2() { // class that always causes hash collisions case class Collision(value:Int) { override def hashCode = 0 } // create a set that should have a collison val x = HashMap.empty + (Collision(0)->0) + (Collision(1) ->0) if(x.getClass.getSimpleName != "HashMapCollision1") println("HashMap of size >1 with collisions should use HashMapCollision") // remove the collision again by removing all but one element val y = x - Collision(0) if(y.getClass.getSimpleName != "HashMap1") println("HashMap of size 1 should use HashMap1" + y.getClass) } def test3() { // finds an int x such that improved(x) differs in the first bit to improved(0), // which is the worst case for the HashTrieSet def findWorstCaseInts() { // copy of improve from HashSet def improve(hcode: Int) = { var h: Int = hcode + ~(hcode << 9) h = h ^ (h >>> 14) h = h + (h << 4) h ^ (h >>> 10) } // find two hashes which have a large separation val x = 0 var y = 1 val ix = improve(x) while(y!=0 && improve(y)!=ix+(1<<31)) y+=1 printf("%s %s %x %x\n",x,y,improve(x), improve(y)) } // this is not done every test run since it would slow down ant test.suite too much. // findWorstCaseInts() // two numbers that are immediately adiacent when fed through HashSet.improve val h0 = 0 val h1 = 1270889724 // h is the hashcode, i is ignored for the hashcode but relevant for equality case class Collision(h:Int, i:Int) { override def hashCode = h } val a = Collision(h0,0)->0 val b = Collision(h0,1)->0 val c = Collision(h1,0)->0 // create a HashSetCollision1 val x = HashMap(a) + b if(x.getClass.getSimpleName != "HashMapCollision1") println("x should be a HashMapCollision") StructureTests.validate(x) //StructureTests.printStructure(x) require(x.size==2 && x.contains(a._1) && x.contains(b._1)) // go from a HashSetCollision1 to a HashTrieSet with maximum depth val y = x + c if(y.getClass.getSimpleName != "HashTrieMap") println("y should be a HashTrieMap") StructureTests.validate(y) // StructureTests.printStructure(y) require(y.size==3 && y.contains(a._1) && y.contains(b._1) && y.contains(c._1)) // go from a HashSet1 directly to a HashTrieSet with maximum depth val z = HashMap(a) + c if(y.getClass.getSimpleName != "HashTrieMap") println("y should be a HashTrieMap") StructureTests.validate(z) // StructureTests.printStructure(z) require(z.size == 2 && z.contains(a._1) && z.contains(c._1)) } test0() test1() test2() test3() } package scala.collection.immutable { object StructureTests { def printStructure(x:HashMap[_,_], prefix:String="") { x match { case m:HashMap.HashTrieMap[_,_] => println(prefix+m.getClass.getSimpleName + " " + m.size) m.elems.foreach(child => printStructure(child, prefix + " ")) case m:HashMap.HashMapCollision1[_,_] => println(prefix+m.getClass.getSimpleName + " " + m.kvs.size) case m:HashMap.HashMap1[_,_] => println(prefix+m.getClass.getSimpleName + " " + m.head) case _ => println(prefix+"empty") } } def validate(x:HashMap[_,_]) { x match { case m:HashMap.HashTrieMap[_,_] => require(m.elems.size>1 || (m.elems.size==1 && m.elems(0).isInstanceOf[HashMap.HashTrieMap[_,_]])) m.elems.foreach(validate _) case m:HashMap.HashMapCollision1[_,_] => require(m.kvs.size>1) case m:HashMap.HashMap1[_,_] => case _ => } } } }