Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> scala> class A defined class A scala> object A // warn defined module A warning: previously defined class A is not a companion to object A. Companions must be defined together; you may wish to use :paste mode for this. scala> trait B defined trait B scala> object B // warn defined module B warning: previously defined trait B is not a companion to object B. Companions must be defined together; you may wish to use :paste mode for this. scala> object C defined module C scala> object Bippy defined module Bippy scala> class C // warn defined class C warning: previously defined object C is not a companion to class C. Companions must be defined together; you may wish to use :paste mode for this. scala> class D defined class D scala> def D = 0 // no warn D: Int scala> val D = 0 // no warn D: Int = 0 scala> object E defined module E scala> var E = 0 // no warn E: Int = 0 scala> object F defined module F scala> type F = Int // no warn defined type alias F scala> :power ** Power User mode enabled - BEEP WHIR GYVE ** ** :phase has been set to 'typer'. ** ** scala.tools.nsc._ has been imported ** ** global._, definitions._ also imported ** ** Try :help, :vals, power. ** scala> intp("F") // this now works as a result of changing .typeSymbol to .typeSymbolDirect in IMain#Request#definedSymbols res0: $r.intp.global.Symbol = type F scala> scala>