import import object Test extends StoreReporterDirectTest { def code = ??? def compileCode(code: String) = { val classpath = List(sys.props("partest.lib"), testOutput.path) mkString sys.props("path.separator") compileString(newCompiler("-cp", classpath, "-d", testOutput.path))(code) } def library1 = """ package pack1 trait T class U { def t = new T {} def one = 1 } """ def library2 = """ package pack2 object V { def u = new pack1.U } """ def app1 = """ package pack3 object Test { // okay } """ def app2 = """ package pack3 object Test { pack2.V.u.t // we have to fail if T.class is missing } """ def show(): Unit = { compileCode(library1) val pack1 = new File(testOutput.path, "pack1") val tClass = new File(pack1, "T.class") assert(tClass.exists) assert(tClass.delete()) // allowed to compile, no direct reference to `T` compileCode(library2) assert(filteredInfos.isEmpty, filteredInfos) // allowed to compile, no direct reference to `T` compileCode(app1) assert(filteredInfos.isEmpty, filteredInfos) // bad symbolic reference error expected (but no stack trace!) compileCode(app2) println(filteredInfos.mkString("\n")) } }