// Tests to show that various `collect` functions avoid calling // both `PartialFunction#isDefinedAt` and `PartialFunction#apply`. // object Test { def f(i: Int) = { println("f(" + i + ")"); true } class Counter { var count = 0 def apply(i: Int) = synchronized {count += 1; true} } def testing(label: String)(body: => Any) { println(s"\n=$label=") println(body) } def main(args: Array[String]) { testing("List.collect")(List(1, 2) collect { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}) testing("List.collectFirst")(List(1, 2) collectFirst { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}) testing("Option.collect")(Some(1) collect { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}) testing("Option.collect")(Some(2) collect { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}) testing("Stream.collect")((Stream(1, 2).collect { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}).toList) testing("Stream.collectFirst")(Stream.continually(1) collectFirst { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}) import collection.parallel.ParIterable import collection.parallel.immutable.ParVector import collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray testing("ParVector.collect") { val counter = new Counter() (ParVector(1, 2) collect { case x if counter(x) && x < 2 => x}, counter.synchronized(counter.count)) } testing("ParArray.collect") { val counter = new Counter() (ParArray(1, 2) collect { case x if counter(x) && x < 2 => x}, counter.synchronized(counter.count)) } object PendingTests { testing("Iterator.collect")((Iterator(1, 2) collect { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}).toList) testing("List.view.collect")((List(1, 2).view collect { case x if f(x) && x < 2 => x}).force) // This would do the trick in Future.collect, but I haven't added this yet as there is a tradeoff // with extra allocations to consider. // // pf.lift(v) match { // case Some(x) => p success x // case None => fail(v) // } testing("Future.collect") { import concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global import concurrent.Await import concurrent.duration.Duration val result = concurrent.future(1) collect { case x if f(x) => x} Await.result(result, Duration.Inf) } // TODO Future.{onSuccess, onFailure, recoverWith, andThen} } } }