import import{ ILoop, replProps } import import object Test extends StoreReporterDirectTest { def code = ??? lazy val headerLength = replProps.welcome.lines.size lazy val promptLength = replProps.prompt.lines.size - 1 // extra newlines def compileCode(code: String, jarFileName: String) = { val classpath = List(sys.props("partest.lib"), testOutput.path) mkString sys.props("path.separator") compileString(newCompiler("-cp", classpath, "-d", s"${testOutput.path}/$jarFileName"))(code) } var classPathKind: String = "" override def settings = { val settings = new Settings settings.YclasspathImpl.value = classPathKind settings } def app1 = """ package test object Test extends App { def test(): Unit = { println("testing...") } }""" def app2 = """ package test object Test extends App { def test(): Unit = { println("testing differently...") } }""" def app3 = """ package test object Test3 extends App { def test(): Unit = { println("new object in existing package") } }""" def app6 = """ package test6 class A extends Test { println("created test6.A") } class Z extends Test { println("created test6.Z") } trait Test""" def test1(): Unit = { val jar = "test1.jar" compileCode(app1, jar) val codeToRun = s""" |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar |test.Test.test() |""".stripMargin.trim val output =, settings) var lines = output.lines.drop(headerLength) lines = lines drop promptLength val added = assert ( added.contains("Added") && added.contains("test1.jar"), s"[${added}] in [${output.lines.mkString("/")}]" ) lines = lines drop promptLength val r = assert(r.contains("testing..."), r) } def test2(): Unit = { // should reject jars with conflicting entries val jar1 = "test1.jar" val jar2 = "test2.jar" compileCode(app2, jar2) val codeToRun = s""" |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar1 |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar2 |""".stripMargin.trim val output =, settings) var lines = output.lines.drop(headerLength) lines = lines drop promptLength val added = assert(added.contains("Added") && added.contains("test1.jar"), added) lines = lines drop promptLength val msg = assert(msg.contains("test2.jar") && msg.contains("contains a classfile that already exists on the classpath: test.Test$"), msg) } def test3(): Unit = { // should accept jars with overlapping packages, but no conflicts val jar1 = "test1.jar" val jar3 = "test3.jar" compileCode(app3, jar3) val codeToRun = s""" |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar1 |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar3 |test.Test3.test() |""".stripMargin.trim val output =, settings) var lines = output.lines.drop(headerLength) lines = lines drop promptLength val added = assert(added.contains("Added") && added.contains("test1.jar"), added) lines = lines drop (2 * promptLength + 1) val r = assert(r.contains("new object in existing package"), r) } def test4(): Unit = { // twice the same jar should be rejected val jar1 = "test1.jar" val codeToRun = s""" |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar1 |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar1 |""".stripMargin.trim val output =, settings) var lines = output.lines.drop(headerLength) lines = lines drop promptLength val added = assert(added.contains("Added") && added.contains("test1.jar"), added) lines = lines drop promptLength val msg = assert(msg.contains("test1.jar") && msg.contains("contains a classfile that already exists on the classpath: test.Test$"), msg) } def test5(): Unit = { val codeToRun = ":require /does/not/exist.jar" val output =, settings) assert(!output.contains("NullPointerException"), output) assert(output.contains("Cannot load '/does/not/exist.jar'"), output) } def test6(): Unit = { // Avoid java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError triggered by the old approach of using a Java // classloader to parse .class files in order to read their names. val jar = "test6.jar" compileCode(app6, jar) val codeToRun = s""" |:require ${testOutput.path}/$jar |import test6._; new A; new Z |""".stripMargin.trim val output =, settings) assert(output.contains("created test6.A"), output) assert(output.contains("created test6.Z"), output) } def testAll(): Unit = { test1() test2() test3() test4() test5() test6() } def show(): Unit = { classPathKind = ClassPathRepresentationType.Flat testAll() classPathKind = ClassPathRepresentationType.Recursive testAll() } }