import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} object Test extends App { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val ps = new PrintStream(baos) // first test with the default classpath (scala.Console withOut ps) {"-verbose", "java.lang.Object")) } // now make sure we saw the '.' in the classpath val msg1 = baos.toString() assert(msg1 contains "directory classpath: .", s"Did not see '.' in the default class path. Full results were:\n$msg1") // then test again with a user specified classpath baos.reset (scala.Console withOut ps) {"-verbose", "-cp", "whatever", "java.lang.Object")) } // now make sure we did not see the '.' in the classpath val msg2 = baos.toString() assert(!(msg2 contains "directory classpath: ."), s"Did saw '.' in the user specified class path. Full results were:\n$msg2") }