/** Make sure that when a variable is captured its initialization expression is handled properly */ object Test { def lazyVal() = { // internally lazy vals become vars which are initialized with "_", so they need to be tested just like vars do lazy val x = "42" assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def ident() = { val y = "42" var x = y assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def apply() = { def y(x : Int) = x.toString var x = y(42) assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def literal() = { var x = "42" assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def `new`() = { var x = new String("42") assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def select() = { object Foo{val bar = "42"} var x = Foo.bar assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def `throw`() = { var x = if (true) "42" else throw new Exception("42") assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def assign() = { var y = 1 var x = y = 42 assert({ () => x}.apply == ()) } def valDef() = { var x = {val y = 42} assert({ () => x}.apply == ()) } def `return`(): String = { var x = if (true) return "42" else () assert({ () => x}.apply == ()) "42" } def tryFinally() = { var x = try { "42" } finally () assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def tryCatch() = { var x = try { "42" } catch { case _ => "43" } assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def `if`() = { var x = if (true) () assert({ () => x }.apply == ()) } def ifElse() = { var x = if(true) "42" else "43" assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def matchCase() = { var x = 100 match { case 100 => "42" case _ => "43" } assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def block() = { var x = { val y = 42 "42" } assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def labelDef() = { var x = 100 match { case 100 => try "42" finally () } assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def nested() = { var x = { val y = 42 if(true) try "42" catch {case _ => "43"} else "44" } assert({ () => x }.apply == "42") } def main(args: Array[String]) { lazyVal() ident() apply() literal() `new`() select() `throw`() assign() valDef() `return`() tryFinally() tryCatch() ifElse() `if`() matchCase() block() labelDef() nested() } }