import // this class should compile to code that uses switches (twice) class Switches { type Tag = Byte def switchBad(i: Tag): Int = i match { // notice type of i is Tag = Byte case 1 => 1 case 2 => 2 case 3 => 3 case _ => 0 } // this worked before, should keep working def switchOkay(i: Byte): Int = i match { case 1 => 1 case 2 => 2 case 3 => 3 case _ => 0 } } object Test extends IcodeTest { // ensure we get two switches out of this -- ignore the rest of the output for robustness // exclude the constant we emit for the "SWITCH ..." string below (we get the icode for all the code you see in this file) override def show() = println(collectIcode("").filter(x => x.indexOf("SWITCH ...") >= 0 && x.indexOf("CONSTANT(") == -1).size) }