object Test { def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = { println(s"Method returns Null type: $f") println(s"Method takes non Null type: ${g(null)}") // pass things through the g function because it expects // a string. If we haven't adapted properly then we'll // get verify errors val b = new B println(s"call through method ${g(b.f(null))}") println(s"call through bridge ${g((b: A).f(null))}") println(s"fetch field: ${g(b.nullField)}") println(s"fetch field on companion: ${g(B.nullCompanionField)}") val x = f println(s"fetch local: ${g(x)}") val nulls = Array(f, f, f) println(s"fetch array element: ${g(nulls(0))}") println(s"method that takes object: ${q(f)}") println(s"method that takes anyref: ${r(f)}") println(s"method that takes any: ${s(f)}") } def f = null def g(x: String) = x def q(x: java.lang.Object) = x def r(x: AnyRef) = x def s(x: Any) = x } abstract class A { def f(x: String): String } class B extends A { val nullField = null // this forces a bridge method because the return type is different override def f(x: String) : Null = null } object B { val nullCompanionField = null }