import import object Test extends ReplTest { override def transformSettings(s: Settings): Settings = { s.Yreplclassbased.value = true s } override def normalize(s: String) = { // replace indylambda function names by val s2 = """\$Lambda.*""".r.replaceAllIn(s, "") // Normalize ordering of LUB s2.replace("Serializable with Product", "Product with Serializable") } def code = """ |var x = 10 |var y = 11 |x = 12 |y = 13 |val z = x * y |2 ; 3 |{ 2 ; 3 } |5 ; 10 ; case object Cow ; 20 ; class Moo { override def toString = "Moooooo" } ; 30 ; def bippy = { | 1 + | 2 + | 3 } ; bippy+88+11 | |object Bovine { var x: List[_] = null } ; case class Ruminant(x: Int) ; bippy * bippy * bippy |Bovine.x = List(Ruminant(5), Cow, new Moo) |Bovine.x | |(2) |(2 + 2) |((2 + 2)) | ((2 + 2)) | ( (2 + 2)) | ( (2 + 2 ) ) |5 ; ( (2 + 2 ) ) ; ((5)) |(((2 + 2)), ((2 + 2))) |(((2 + 2)), ((2 + 2)), 2) |(((((2 + 2)), ((2 + 2)), 2).productIterator ++ Iterator(3)).mkString) | |55 ; ((2 + 2)) ; (1, 2, 3) |55 ; (x: Int) => x + 1 ; () => ((5)) | |() => 5 |55 ; () => 5 |() => { class X ; new X } | |def foo(x: Int)(y: Int)(z: Int) = x+y+z |foo(5)(10)(15)+foo(5)(10)(15) | |List(1) ++ List('a') | |1 to 100 map (_ + 1) |val x1 = 1 |val x2 = 2 |val x3 = 3 |case class BippyBungus() |x1 + x2 + x3 |:reset |x1 + x2 + x3 |val x1 = 4 |new BippyBungus |class BippyBungus() { def f = 5 } |{ new BippyBungus ; x1 } |object x {class y { case object z } } |case class BippyBups() |case class PuppyPups() |case class Bingo() |List(BippyBups(), PuppyPups(), Bingo()) // show |case class Sum(exp: String, exp2: String) |val a = Sum("A", "B") |def b(a: Sum): String = a match { case Sum(_, _) => "Found Sum" } |b(a) |:power |intp.lastRequest |""".stripMargin }