import scala.concurrent._, duration._ import import import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier object Test extends App { @volatile var done = false val barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2) val probe = Future { val attempts = 1024 // previously, failed after a few def fail(i: Int) = s"Failed at $i" barrier.await() for (i <- 1 to attempts ; p <- systemProperties) p match { case (k, v) => assert (k != null && v != null, fail(i)) } } probe onComplete { case _ => done = true } System.setProperty("foo", "fooz") System.setProperty("bar", "barz") barrier.await() // just for fun, wait to start mucking with properties // continually modify properties trying to break live iteration over sys props // hint: don't iterate lively over sys props var alt = true while (!done) { if (alt) { System.getProperties.remove("foo") System.setProperty("bar", "barz") alt = false } else { System.getProperties.remove("bar") System.setProperty("foo", "fooz") alt = true } } Await.result(probe, Duration.Inf) } /* import scala.concurrent.{duration, Future, Await, ExecutionContext} import import // Was failing pretty regularly with a ConcurrentModificationException as // WrappedProperties#systemProperties iterated directly over the mutable // global system properties map. object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { val tries = 1000 // YMMV val compiler = Future { for(_ <- 1 to tries) new Settings(_ => {}) } for(i <- 1 to tries * 10) System.setProperty(s"foo$i", i.toString) Await.result(compiler, duration.Duration.Inf) } } */