import scala.language.higherKinds class Category[M[_, _]] trait M1[F] { type X[a, b] = F def category: Category[X] = null def category1: Category[Tuple2] = null } // The second trait is needed to make sure there's a forwarder generated in C. // otherwise the trait methods are just the inherited default methods from M1. trait M2[F] { self: M1[F] => override def category: Category[X] = null override def category1: Category[Tuple2] = null } abstract class C extends M1[Float] with M2[Float] object Test extends App { def t(c: Class[_]) = { val ms = c.getMethods.filter(_.getName.startsWith("category")) println("\n")) } t(classOf[C]) t(classOf[M1[_]]) t(classOf[M2[_]]) }