import import // used to crash with an assertion failure in flatten because the type symbol created for the missing // package was a ClassSymbol, not a PackageClassSymbol // - isFlattenablePrefix(vanishingPackage) was true (wrongly) // - therefore flatten tried to flatten the class defined in the package, but the class is // top-level, vanishingClass.enclosingTopLevelClass is NoSymbol object Test extends StoreReporterDirectTest { def code = ??? def compileCode(code: String) = { val classpath = List(sys.props("partest.lib"), testOutput.path) mkString sys.props("path.separator") compileString(newCompiler("-cp", classpath, "-d", testOutput.path))(code) } def show(): Unit = { compileCode(""" class Outer { class Nested extends vanishing.Vanishing } package vanishing { class Vanishing } """) assert(filteredInfos.isEmpty, filteredInfos) deletePackage("vanishing") compileCode(""" class Test { def f(o: Outer): Outer = o } """) assert(storeReporter.infos.isEmpty, storeReporter.infos.mkString("\n")) // Included a MissingRequirementError before. } def deletePackage(name: String) { val directory = new File(testOutput.path, name) for (f <- directory.listFiles()) { assert(f.getName.endsWith(".class")) assert(f.delete()) } assert(directory.listFiles().isEmpty) assert(directory.delete()) } }