object Test extends App { def pre(n: Int) = (-n to -1).toStream def cyc(m: Int) = { lazy val s: Stream[Int] = (0 until m).toStream #::: s s } def precyc(n: Int, m: Int) = pre(n) #::: cyc(m) def str(s: Stream[Int]) = { val b = new StringBuilder s.addString(b, "", "", "") b.toString } def goal(n: Int, m: Int) = (-n until m).mkString + "..." // Check un-forced cyclic and non-cyclic streams assert(str(pre(2)) == pre(2).take(1).toList.mkString + "?") assert(str(cyc(2)) == cyc(2).take(1).toList.mkString + "?") assert(str(precyc(2,2)) == precyc(2,2).take(1).toList.mkString + "?") assert(!pre(2).hasDefiniteSize) assert(!cyc(2).hasDefiniteSize) assert(!precyc(2,2).hasDefiniteSize) // Check forced cyclic and non-cyclic streams assert(str(pre(2).force) == (-2 to -1).mkString) assert(str(cyc(2).force) == (0 until 2).mkString + "...") assert(str(precyc(2,2).force) == (-2 until 2).mkString + "...") assert(pre(2).force.hasDefiniteSize) assert(!cyc(2).force.hasDefiniteSize) assert(!precyc(2,2).force.hasDefiniteSize) // Special cases assert(str(cyc(1).force) == goal(0,1)) assert(str(precyc(1,6).force) == goal(1,6)) assert(str(precyc(6,1).force) == goal(6,1)) // Make sure there are no odd/even problems for (n <- 3 to 4; m <- 3 to 4) { assert(precyc(n,m).mkString == goal(n,m), s"mkString $n $m") assert(!precyc(n,m).force.hasDefiniteSize, s"hasDef $n$m") } // Make sure there are no cycle/prefix modulus problems for (i <- 6 to 8) { assert(precyc(i,3).mkString == goal(i,3), s"mkString $i 3") assert(precyc(3,i).mkString == goal(3,i), s"mkString 3 $i") assert(!precyc(i,3).force.hasDefiniteSize, s"hasDef $i 3") assert(!precyc(3,i).force.hasDefiniteSize, s"hasDef 3 $i") } }