import annotation.tailrec object Test { def a(): Option[String] = Some("a") def test1: Any = { a() match { case Some(b1) => a() match { case Some(b2) => @tailrec def tick(i: Int): Unit = if (i < 0) () else tick(i - 1) tick(10000000) // testing that this doesn't SOE case None => None } case None => None } } def test2: Any = { a() match { case Some(b1) => a() match { case Some(b2) => @tailrec def tick(i: Int): Unit = if (i < 0) () else tick(i - 1) tick(10000000) // testing that this doesn't SOE case None => test1 } case None => test1 // not a tail call test1 } } def main(args: Array[String]) { test1 test2 } }