import // Taking unary ids as plain object Test extends SessionTest { def session = """Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> val - = 42 -: Int = 42 scala> val i = - i: Int = 42 scala> - { 42 } res0: Int = -42 scala> - if (true) 1 else 2 :1: error: illegal start of simple expression - if (true) 1 else 2 ^ scala> - - 1 :1: error: ';' expected but integer literal found. - - 1 ^ scala> -.-(1) res1: Int = 41 scala> - res2: Int = 42 scala> - - res3: Int = -42 scala> + - res4: Int = 42 scala> object X { def -(i: Int) = 42 - i ; def f(g: Int => Int) = g(7) ; def j = f(-) } defined object X scala> X.j res5: Int = 35 scala> :quit""" }