import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm} import // Note: If you're looking at this test and you don't know why, you may // have accidentally changed the way type tags reify. If so, validate // that your changes are accurate and update the check file. object Test extends App { val toolbox = cm.mkToolBox() val rupkg = cm.staticModule("scala.reflect.runtime.package") val rusym = build.selectTerm(rupkg, "universe") val NullaryMethodType(rutpe) = rusym.typeSignature val ru = build.newFreeTerm("ru", scala.reflect.runtime.universe) build.setTypeSignature(ru, rutpe) val tree1 = Apply(Select(Ident(ru), TermName("reify")), List(Literal(Constant(2)))) val ttree1 = toolbox.typeCheck(tree1, withMacrosDisabled = false) println(ttree1) val tree2 = Apply(Select(Ident(ru), TermName("reify")), List(Literal(Constant(2)))) val ttree2 = toolbox.typeCheck(tree2, withMacrosDisabled = true) println(ttree2) }