trait T class V1(val l: Long) extends AnyVal { self: T => def foo: V1 = self def bar: T = self } class V2(val l: Long) extends AnyVal { self => def foo: V2 = self } class V3(val l: Long) extends AnyVal { self: Long => def foo: V3 = self def bar: Long = self } // non-value classes class C1(val l: Long) { self: T => def foo: C1 = self def bar: T = self } class C2(val l: Long) { self => def foo: C2 = self } class C3(val l: Long) { self: Long => def foo: C3 = self def bar: Long = self } object Test extends App { // Rejected: superclass V1 is not a subclass of the superclass Object of the mixin trait T // new V1(1l) with T assert(new V2(1l).foo.l == 1l) // Rejected: V3 does not conform to its self-type V3 with Long // new V3(1l) val c2 = new C1(2l) with T assert( +[C1].l == 4l) assert(new C2(3l).foo.l == 3l) // Rejected: C3 does not conform to its self-type C3 with Long // new C3(4l) // Rejected: class Long needs to be a trait to be mixed in // new C3(4l) with Long }