/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved. */ import java.io.{File => JFile, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream} import java.util.zip.{ZipEntry, ZipOutputStream} import scala.reflect.io.{Directory, File} import scala.tools.nsc.classpath.FlatClassPath.RootPackage import scala.tools.nsc.classpath.PackageNameUtils import scala.tools.nsc.io.Jar /** * Generates directories, jars and zip files containing sources and classes * (the result of a compilation which is executed here) * and use them as a class- and sourcepath during compilation and running * created application. At the end everything is cleaned up. * * It can test also current, recursive classpath. Just right now we force * flat classpath to test it also when the recursive one would be set as a default. */ object Test { private implicit class JFileOps(file: JFile) { def createDir(newDirName: String) = { val newDir = new JFile(file, newDirName) newDir.mkdir() newDir } def createSrcFile(newFileName: String) = createFile(newFileName + ".scala") def createFile(fullFileName: String) = { val newFile = new JFile(file, fullFileName) newFile.createNewFile() newFile } def writeAll(text: String): Unit = File(file) writeAll text def moveContentToZip(zipName: String): Unit = { val newZip = zipsDir createFile s"$zipName.zip" val outputStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(newZip)) def addFileToZip(dirPrefix: String = "")(fileToAdd: JFile): Unit = if (fileToAdd.isDirectory) { val dirEntryName = fileToAdd.getName + "/" outputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(dirEntryName)) fileToAdd.listFiles() foreach addFileToZip(dirEntryName) } else { val inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileToAdd) outputStream.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(dirPrefix + fileToAdd.getName)) val buffer = new Array[Byte](1024) var count = inputStream.read(buffer) while (count > 0) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, count) count = inputStream.read(buffer) } inputStream.close() } file.listFiles() foreach addFileToZip() outputStream.close() cleanDir(file) } def moveContentToJar(jarName: String): Unit = { val newJar = jarsDir createFile s"$jarName.jar" Jar.create(file = File(newJar), sourceDir = Directory(file), mainClass = "won't be used") cleanDir(file) } def path: String = file.getAbsolutePath } private case class DirRep(name: String, nestedDirs: Seq[DirRep] = Nil, sourceFiles: Seq[String] = Nil) private val compiler = new scala.tools.nsc.MainClass private val appRunner = new scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner private val classPathImplFlag = "-YclasspathImpl:flat" private val javaClassPath = sys.props("java.class.path") // creates a test dir in a temporary dir containing compiled files of this test // root dir will be automatically deleted after the end of test private val rootDir = new JFile(sys.props("partest.output")) private val testDir = rootDir createDir s"cp-tests-${System.currentTimeMillis()}" private val jarsDir = testDir createDir "jars" private val zipsDir = testDir createDir "zips" private val srcDir = testDir createDir "src" private val binDir = testDir createDir "bin" private val outDir = testDir createDir "out" def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { createClassesZipInZipsDir() createClassesJarInJarsDir() createClassesInBinDir() createSourcesZipInZipsDir() createSourcesJarInJarsDir() createSourcesInSrcDir() compileFinalApp() runApp() // at the end all created files will be deleted automatically } private def createClassesZipInZipsDir(): Unit = { val baseFileName = "ZipBin" createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName) compileSrc(baseFileName) outDir moveContentToZip "Bin" cleanDir(srcDir) } private def createClassesJarInJarsDir(): Unit = { val baseFileName = "JarBin" createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName) compileSrc(baseFileName) outDir moveContentToJar "Bin" cleanDir(srcDir) } private def createClassesInBinDir(): Unit = { val baseFileName = "DirBin" createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName) compileSrc(baseFileName, destination = binDir) cleanDir(srcDir) } private def createSourcesZipInZipsDir(): Unit = { createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName = "ZipSrc") srcDir moveContentToZip "Src" } private def createSourcesJarInJarsDir(): Unit = { createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName = "JarSrc") srcDir moveContentToJar "Src" } private def createSourcesInSrcDir(): Unit = { createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName = "DirSrc") val appFile = srcDir createSrcFile "Main" appFile writeAll s"""import nested._ | object Main extends App { | println(new ZipBin) | println(new JarBin) | println(new DirBin) | println(new ZipSrc) | println(new JarSrc) | println(new DirSrc) | | println(new NestedZipBin) | println(new NestedJarBin) | println(new NestedDirBin) | println(new NestedZipSrc) | println(new NestedJarSrc) | println(new NestedDirSrc) | } """.stripMargin } private def compileFinalApp(): Unit = { val classPath = mkPath(javaClassPath, binDir.path, zipsDir.path + "/Bin.zip", jarsDir.path + "/Bin.jar") val sourcePath = mkPath(srcDir.path, zipsDir.path + "/Src.zip", jarsDir.path + "/Src.jar") compiler.process(Array(classPathImplFlag, "-cp", classPath, "-sourcepath", sourcePath, "-d", outDir.path, s"${srcDir.path}/Main.scala")) } private def runApp(): Unit = { val classPath = mkPath(javaClassPath, outDir.path, binDir.path, zipsDir.path + "/Bin.zip", jarsDir.path + "/Bin.jar") appRunner.process(Array(classPathImplFlag, "-cp", classPath, "Main")) } private def createStandardSrcHierarchy(baseFileName: String): Unit = createSources(RootPackage, srcDir, DirRep("", nestedDirs = Seq(DirRep("nested", sourceFiles = Seq("Nested" + baseFileName))), sourceFiles = Seq(baseFileName) ) ) private def createSources(pkg: String, dirFile: JFile, dirRep: DirRep): Unit = { dirRep.nestedDirs foreach { rep => val nestedDir = dirFile createDir rep.name val nestedPkg = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(pkg) + rep.name createSources(nestedPkg, nestedDir, rep) } val pkgHeader = if (pkg == RootPackage) "" else s"package $pkg\n\n" dirRep.sourceFiles foreach { srcName => val text = s"""${pkgHeader}case class $srcName(x: String = "")""" val srcFile = dirFile createSrcFile srcName srcFile writeAll text } } private def compileSrc(baseFileName: String, destination: JFile = outDir): Unit = { val srcDirPath = srcDir.path compiler.process(Array(classPathImplFlag, "-cp", javaClassPath, "-d", destination.path, s"$srcDirPath/$baseFileName.scala", s"$srcDirPath/nested/Nested$baseFileName.scala")) } private def cleanDir(dir: JFile): Unit = dir.listFiles().foreach { file => if (file.isDirectory) cleanDir(file) file.delete() } private def mkPath(pathEntries: String*) = pathEntries.mkString(File.pathSeparator) }