trait Intf { type Rep[+T] type M[+T] = Rep[Maybe[T]] val __match: Matcher abstract class Matcher { // runs the matcher on the given input def runOrElse[T, U](in: Rep[T])(matcher: Rep[T] => M[U]): Rep[U] def zero: M[Nothing] def one[T](x: Rep[T]): M[T] def guard[T](cond: Rep[Boolean], then: => Rep[T]): M[T] def isSuccess[T, U](x: Rep[T])(f: Rep[T] => M[U]): Rep[Boolean] // used for isDefinedAt } abstract class Maybe[+A] { def flatMap[B](f: Rep[A] => M[B]): M[B] def orElse[B >: A](alternative: => M[B]): M[B] } implicit def proxyMaybe[A](m: M[A]): Maybe[A] implicit def repInt(x: Int): Rep[Int] implicit def repBoolean(x: Boolean): Rep[Boolean] implicit def repString(x: String): Rep[String] def test = 7 match { case 5 => "foo" case _ => "bar" } } trait Impl extends Intf { type Rep[+T] = String object __match extends Matcher { def runOrElse[T, U](in: Rep[T])(matcher: Rep[T] => M[U]): Rep[U] = ("runOrElse("+ in +", ?" + matcher("?") + ")") def zero: M[Nothing] = "zero" def one[T](x: Rep[T]): M[T] = "one("+x.toString+")" def guard[T](cond: Rep[Boolean], then: => Rep[T]): M[T] = "guard("+cond+","+then+")" def isSuccess[T, U](x: Rep[T])(f: Rep[T] => M[U]): Rep[Boolean] = ("isSuccess("+x+", ?" + f("?") + ")") } implicit def proxyMaybe[A](m: M[A]): Maybe[A] = new Maybe[A] { def flatMap[B](f: Rep[A] => M[B]): M[B] = m + ".flatMap(? =>"+ f("?") +")" def orElse[B >: A](alternative: => M[B]): M[B] = m + ".orElse("+ alternative +")" } def repInt(x: Int): Rep[Int] = x.toString def repBoolean(x: Boolean): Rep[Boolean] = x.toString def repString(x: String): Rep[String] = x } object Test extends Impl with Intf with App { println(test) }