import org.scalacheck._ import Prop._ import Gen._ import Arbitrary._ import math._ import concurrent.duration.Duration.fromNanos object Test extends Properties("Division of Duration by Long") { val weightedLong = frequency( 1 -> choose(-128L, 127L), 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 8)), 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 16)), 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 24)), 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 32)), 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 40)), 1 -> (arbitrary[Byte] map (_.toLong << 48)), 1 -> (choose(-127L, 127L) map (_ << 56)) ) val genTwoSmall = for { a <- weightedLong b <- choose(-(Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a))), Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a))) } yield (a, b) val genTwoLarge = for { a <- weightedLong b <- arbitrary[Long] suchThat (b => (abs(b) > Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a)))) } yield (a, b) val genClose = for { a <- weightedLong if a != 0 b <- choose(Long.MaxValue / a - 10, Long.MaxValue / a + 10) } yield (a, b) val genBorderline = frequency( 1 -> (Long.MinValue, 0L), 1 -> (Long.MinValue, 1L), 1 -> (Long.MinValue, -1L), 1 -> (0L, Long.MinValue), 1 -> (1L, Long.MinValue), 1 -> (-1L, Long.MinValue), 90 -> genClose ) def mul(a: Long, b: Long): Long = { (fromNanos(a) * b).toNanos } property("without overflow") = forAll(genTwoSmall) { case (a, b) => a * b == mul(a, b) } property("with overflow") = forAll(genTwoLarge) { case (a, b) => try { mul(a, b); false } catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => true } } property("on overflow edge cases") = forAll(genBorderline) { case (a, b) => val shouldFit = a != Long.MinValue && // must fail due to illegal duration length (b != Long.MinValue || a == 0) && // Long factor may only be MinValue if the duration is zero, otherwise the result will be illegal (abs(b) <= Long.MaxValue / max(1, abs(a))) // check the rest against the “safe” division method try { mul(a, b); shouldFit } catch { case _: IllegalArgumentException => !shouldFit } } }