package scala.collection.parallel import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Gen._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Properties import scala.collection._ import scala.collection.parallel._ abstract class ParallelSetCheck[T](collname: String) extends ParallelIterableCheck[T](collname) { type CollType <: ParSet[T] with Sequentializable[T, Set[T]] property("gets iterated keys") = forAll(collectionPairs) { case (t, coll) => val containsT = for (elem <- t) yield (coll.contains(elem)) val containsSelf = for (elem <- coll) yield (coll.contains(elem)) ("Par contains elements of seq map" |: containsT.forall(_ == true)) && ("Par contains elements of itself" |: containsSelf.forall(_ == true)) } }