import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._, Flag._, build.{Ident => _, _} object ForProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("for") { case class ForEnums(val value: List[Tree]) def genSimpleBind: Gen[Bind] = for(name <- genTermName) yield pq"$name @ _" def genForFilter: Gen[Tree] = for(cond <- genIdent(genTermName)) yield fq"if $cond" def genForFrom: Gen[Tree] = for(lhs <- genSimpleBind; rhs <- genIdent(genTermName)) yield fq"$lhs <- $rhs" def genForEq: Gen[Tree] = for(lhs <- genSimpleBind; rhs <- genIdent(genTermName)) yield fq"$lhs = $rhs" def genForEnums(size: Int): Gen[ForEnums] = for(first <- genForFrom; rest <- listOfN(size, oneOf(genForFrom, genForFilter, genForEq))) yield new ForEnums(first :: rest) implicit val arbForEnums: Arbitrary[ForEnums] = arbitrarySized(genForEnums) property("construct-reconstruct for") = forAll { (enums: ForEnums, body: Tree) => val SyntacticFor(recoveredEnums, recoveredBody) = SyntacticFor(enums.value, body) recoveredEnums ≈ enums.value && recoveredBody ≈ body } property("construct-reconstruct for-yield") = forAll { (enums: ForEnums, body: Tree) => val SyntacticForYield(recoveredEnums, recoveredBody) = SyntacticForYield(enums.value, body) recoveredEnums ≈ enums.value && recoveredBody ≈ body } val abcde = List(fq"a <-b", fq"if c", fq"d = e") val foobarbaz = pq"foo @ Bar(baz)" val fv = q"f(v)" property("construct/deconstruct for loop with fq") = test { val for0 = q"for(..$abcde) $fv" assertEqAst(for0, "for(a <- b; if c; d = e) f(v)") val q"for(..$enums) $body" = for0 assert(enums ≈ abcde) assert(body ≈ fv) } property("construct/deconstruct valfrom with fq") = test { assert(fq"$foobarbaz <- $fv" ≈ fq"foo @ Bar(baz) <- f(v)") val fq"$lhs <- $rhs" = fq"$foobarbaz <- $fv" assert(lhs ≈ foobarbaz) assert(rhs ≈ fv) } property("construct/deconstruct valeq with fq") = test { assert(fq"$foobarbaz = $fv" ≈ fq"foo @ Bar(baz) = f(v)") val fq"$lhs = $rhs" = fq"$foobarbaz = $fv" assert(lhs ≈ foobarbaz) assert(rhs ≈ fv) } property("construct/deconstruct filter with fq") = test { assert(fq"if $fv" ≈ fq"if f(v)") val fq"if $cond" = fq"if $fv" assert(cond ≈ fv) } }