import org.scalacheck._, Prop._, Gen._, Arbitrary._ import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._, Flag._ object TermDeconstructionProps extends QuasiquoteProperties("term deconstruction") { property("f(..x) = f") = test { // see SI-8008 assertThrows[MatchError] { val q"f(..$args)" = q"f" } } property("f(x)") = forAll { (x: Tree) => val q"f($x1)" = q"f($x)" x1 ≈ x } property("f(..xs)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree) => val q"f(..$xs)" = q"f($x1, $x2)" xs ≈ List(x1, x2) } property("f(y, ..ys)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree) => val q"f($y, ..$ys)" = q"f($x1, $x2, $x3)" y ≈ x1 && ys ≈ List(x2, x3) } property("f(y1, y2, ..ys)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree) => val q"f($y1, $y2, ..$ys)" = q"f($x1, $x2, $x3)" y1 ≈ x1 && y2 ≈ x2 && ys ≈ List(x3) } property("f(y1, ..ys, yn)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree, x4: Tree) => val q"f($y1, ..$ys, $yn)" = q"f($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4)" y1 ≈ x1 && ys ≈ List(x2, x3) && yn ≈ x4 } property("f(..ys, y_{n-1}, y_n)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree, x4: Tree) => val q"f(..$ys, $yn1, $yn)" = q"f($x1, $x2, $x3, $x4)" ys ≈ List(x1, x2) && yn1 ≈ x3 && yn ≈ x4 } property("f(...xss)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree) => val q"f(...$xss)" = q"f($x1)($x2)" xss ≈ List(List(x1), List(x2)) } property("f(...$xss)(..$last)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree) => val q"f(...$xss)(..$last)" = q"f($x1)($x2)($x3)" xss ≈ List(List(x1), List(x2)) && last ≈ List(x3) } property("f(...$xss)(..$lastinit, $lastlast)") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree, x4: Tree) => val q"f(...$xss)(..$lastinit, $lastlast)" = q"f($x1)($x2, $x3, $x4)" xss ≈ List(List(x1)) && lastinit ≈ List(x2, x3) && lastlast ≈ x4 } property("f(...xss) = f") = forAll { (x1: Tree, x2: Tree) => val q"f(...$xss)" = q"f" xss ≈ List() } property("deconstruct unit as tuple") = test { val q"(..$xs)" = q"()" assert(xs.isEmpty) } property("deconstruct tuple") = test { val q"(..$xs)" = q"(a, b)" assert(xs ≈ List(q"a", q"b")) } property("deconstruct tuple mixed") = test { val q"($first, ..$rest)" = q"(a, b, c)" assert(first ≈ q"a") assert(rest ≈ List(q"b", q"c")) } property("deconstruct tuple last element") = test { val q"($first, ..$rest, $last)" = q"(a, b, c, d)" assert(first ≈ q"a") assert(rest ≈ List(q"b", q"c")) assert(last ≈ q"d") } property("deconstruct expr as tuple") = test { val q"(..$elems)" = q"foo" assert(elems ≈ List(q"foo")) } property("deconstruct cases") = test { val q"$x match { case ..$cases }" = q"x match { case 1 => case 2 => }" assert(x ≈ q"x") assert(cases ≈ List(cq"1 =>", cq"2 =>")) } property("deconstruct splitting last case") = test { val q"$_ match { case ..$cases case $last }" = q"x match { case 1 => case 2 => case 3 => }" assert(cases ≈ List(cq"1 =>", cq"2 =>")) assert(last ≈ cq"3 =>") } property("deconstruct block") = test { val q"{ ..$xs }" = q"{ x1; x2; x3 }" assert(xs ≈ List(q"x1", q"x2", q"x3")) } property("deconstruct last element of a block") = test { val q"{ ..$xs; $x }" = q"x1; x2; x3; x4" assert(xs ≈ List(q"x1", q"x2", q"x3")) assert(x ≈ q"x4") } property("exhaustive function matcher") = test { def matches(line: String) { val q"(..$args) => $body" = parse(line) } matches("() => bippy") matches("(y: Y) => y oh y") matches("(x: X, y: Y) => x and y") } property("exhaustive new pattern") = test { def matches(line: String) { val q"new { ..$early } with $name[..$targs](...$vargss) with ..$mixin { $self => ..$body }" = parse(line) } matches("new foo") matches("new foo { body }") matches("new foo[t]") matches("new foo(x)") matches("new foo[t](x)") matches("new foo[t](x) { body }") matches("new foo with bar") matches("new foo with bar { body }") matches("new { anonymous }") matches("new { val early = 1 } with Parent[Int] { body }") matches("new Foo { selfie => }") } property("exhaustive assign pattern") = test { def matches(tree: Tree) { val q"$rhs = $lhs" = tree } matches(parse("left = right")) matches(parse("arr(1) = 2")) matches(AssignOrNamedArg(EmptyTree, EmptyTree)) } property("deconstruct update 1") = test { val q"$obj(..$args) = $value" = q"foo(bar) = baz" assert(obj ≈ q"foo") assert(args ≈ List(q"bar")) assert(value ≈ q"baz") } property("deconstruct update 2") = test { val q"$left = $value" = q"foo(bar) = baz" assert(left ≈ q"foo(bar)") assert(value ≈ q"baz") } property("deconstruct while loop") = test { val q"while($cond) $body" = parse("while(cond) body") assert(cond ≈ q"cond") assert(body ≈ q"body") } property("deconstruct do while loop") = test { val q"do $body while($cond)" = parse("do body while(cond)") assert(cond ≈ q"cond") assert(body ≈ q"body") } property("deconstruct anonymous function with placeholders") = test { val q"{ $f(_) }" = q"{ foo(_) }" assert(f ≈ q"foo") val q"{ _.$member }" = q"{ }" assert(member ≈ TermName("foo")) val q"{ _ + $x }" = q"{ _ + x }" assert(x ≈ q"x") val q"{ _ * _ }" = q"{ _ * _ }" } }