/** Test contributed by Stefan Zeiger showing that HLists can be * specialized. */ sealed trait HList { type Self <: HList type |: [E] = HCons[E, Self] final def |: [@specialized E](elem: E): |: [E] = new HCons[E, Self](elem, this.asInstanceOf[Self]) def m[@specialized E, T <: AnyRef](x: E): T = null.asInstanceOf[T] } final class HCons[@specialized H, T <: HList](val head: H, val tail: T) extends HList { type Self = HCons[H, T] } final object HNil extends HList { type Self = HNil.type } object Test extends App { val l1 = new HCons(42, "foo" |: HNil) println(l1.getClass) val l2 = 42 |: "abc" |: HNil println(l2.getClass) }