package scala.collection.immutable import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import org.junit.Test @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class VectorTest { @Test def hasCorrectDropAndTakeMethods() { val v = Vector(0) ++ Vector(1 to 64: _*) assertEquals(Vector(0, 1), v take 2) assertEquals(Vector(63, 64), v takeRight 2) assertEquals(Vector(2 to 64: _*), v drop 2) assertEquals(Vector(0 to 62: _*), v dropRight 2) assertEquals(v, v take Int.MaxValue) assertEquals(v, v takeRight Int.MaxValue) assertEquals(Vector.empty[Int], v drop Int.MaxValue) assertEquals(Vector.empty[Int], v dropRight Int.MaxValue) assertEquals(Vector.empty[Int], v take Int.MinValue) assertEquals(Vector.empty[Int], v takeRight Int.MinValue) assertEquals(v, v drop Int.MinValue) assertEquals(v, v dropRight Int.MinValue) } }