package scala.math import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import org.junit.Test import java.math.{BigDecimal => BD, MathContext => MC} /* Tests various maps by making sure they all agree on the same answers. */ @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class BigDecimalTest { // Motivated by SI-6173: BigDecimal#isWhole implementation is very heap intensive @Test def isWholeTest() { val wholes = List( BigDecimal(1), BigDecimal(10L), BigDecimal(14.000), BigDecimal(new BD("19127981892347012385719827340123471923850195")), BigDecimal("1e1000000000"), BigDecimal(14.1928857191985e22), BigDecimal(14.12519823759817, new MC(2)) ) val fracs = List( BigDecimal(0.1), BigDecimal(new BD("1.000000000000000000000000000000000001")), BigDecimal(new BD("275712375971892375127591745810580123751.99999")), BigDecimal("14.19238571927581e6"), BigDecimal("912834718237510238591285")/2 ) assert(wholes.forall(_.isWhole) && fracs.forall(! _.isWhole)) } // Motivated by SI-6699: BigDecimal.isValidDouble behaves unexpectedly @Test def isValidDoubleTest() { val valids = List( BigDecimal(1), BigDecimal(19571.125), BigDecimal.decimal(0.1), BigDecimal(1e15) ) val invalids = List( BigDecimal(new BD("1.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")), BigDecimal("10e1000000"), BigDecimal("10e-1000000") ) assert( valids.forall(_.isDecimalDouble) && invalids.forall(! _.isDecimalDouble) ) } // Motivated by SI-6173: BigDecimal#isWhole implementation is very heap intensive @Test def doesNotExplodeTest() { val troublemaker = BigDecimal("1e1000000000") val reasonable = BigDecimal("1e1000") val reasonableInt = reasonable.toBigInt assert( reasonable.hashCode == reasonableInt.hashCode && reasonable == reasonableInt && reasonableInt == reasonable && troublemaker.hashCode != reasonable.hashCode && !(troublemaker == reasonableInt) && !(reasonableInt == troublemaker) ) } // Motivated by SI-6456: scala.math.BigDecimal should not accept a null value @Test def refusesNullTest() { def isIAE[A](a: => A) = try { a; false } catch { case iae: IllegalArgumentException => true } def isNPE[A](a: => A) = try { a; false } catch { case npe: NullPointerException => true } assert( isIAE(new BigDecimal(null: BD, new MC(2))) && isIAE(new BigDecimal(new BD("5.7"), null: MC)) && isNPE(BigDecimal(null: BigInt)) && isNPE(BigDecimal(null: String)) && isNPE(BigDecimal(null: Array[Char])) ) } // Motivated by SI-6153: BigDecimal.hashCode() has high collision rate @Test def hashCodesAgreeTest() { val bi: BigInt = 100000 val bd: BigDecimal = 100000 val l: Long = 100000 val d: Double = 100000 assert( d.## == l.## && l.## == bd.## && bd.## == bi.## && (bd pow 4).hashCode == (bi pow 4).hashCode && BigDecimal("1e150000").hashCode != BigDecimal("1e150000").toBigInt.hashCode ) } // Motivated by noticing BigDecimal(0.1f) != BigDecimal(0.1) @Test def consistentTenthsTest() { def tenths = List[Any]( BigDecimal("0.1"), 0.1, BigDecimal.decimal(0.1f), BigDecimal.decimal(0.1), BigDecimal(0.1), BigDecimal(BigInt(1), 1), BigDecimal(new BD("0.1")), BigDecimal(1L, 1), BigDecimal(1) / BigDecimal(10), BigDecimal(10).pow(-1) ) for (a <- tenths; b <- tenths) assert(a == b, s"$a != $b but both should be 0.1") } // Motivated by noticing BigDecimal(123456789, mc6) != BigDecimal(123456789L, mc6) // where mc6 is a MathContext that rounds to six digits @Test def consistentRoundingTest() { val mc6 = new MC(6) val sameRounding = List( List( 123457000, 123457000L, 123457e3, BigDecimal(123456789, mc6), BigDecimal(123456789L, mc6), BigDecimal(123456789d, mc6), BigDecimal("123456789", mc6), BigDecimal(Array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'), mc6), BigDecimal(BigInt(123456789), mc6), BigDecimal(BigInt(1234567890), 1, mc6), BigDecimal.decimal(123456789, mc6), BigDecimal.decimal(123456789d, mc6), BigDecimal.decimal(new BD("123456789"), mc6) ), List( 123456789, 123456789L, 123456789d, new BigDecimal(new BD("123456789"), mc6), new BigDecimal(new BD("123456789")), BigDecimal(123456789), BigDecimal(123456789L), BigDecimal(123456789d), BigDecimal("123456789"), BigDecimal(Array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')), BigDecimal(BigInt(123456789)), BigDecimal(BigInt(1234567890), 1), BigDecimal.decimal(123456789), BigDecimal.decimal(123456789d), BigDecimal.valueOf(123456789d, mc6) ) ){ case xs => for ((a,i) <- xs; (b,j) <- xs) { assert(a == b, s"$a != $b (#$i != #$j) but should be the same") assert(a.## == b.##, s"Hash code mismatch in equal BigDecimals: #$i != #$j") } } val List(xs, ys) = for ((a,i) <- xs; (b,j) <- ys) assert(a != b, s"$a == $b (#$i == #$j) but should be different") } // This was unexpectedly truncated in 2.10 @Test def noPrematureRoundingTest() { val text = "9791375983750284059237954823745923845928547807345082378340572986452364" val same = List[Any]( BigInt(text), BigDecimal(text), BigDecimal(new BD(text)) ) for (a <- same; b <- same) assert(a == b, s"$a != $b but should be the same") } // Tests attempts to make sane the representation of IEEE binary32 and binary64 // (i.e. Float and Double) with Scala's text-is-King BigDecimal policy @Test def churnRepresentationTest() { val rn = new scala.util.Random(42) for (i <- 1 to 1000) { val d = rn.nextDouble assert({ BigDecimal.decimal(d).isDecimalDouble && BigDecimal.binary(d).isBinaryDouble && BigDecimal.exact(d).isExactDouble }, s"At least one wrong BigDecimal representation for $d") } for (i <- 1 to 1000) { val f = rn.nextFloat assert({ BigDecimal.decimal(f).isDecimalFloat && BigDecimal.binary(f).isBinaryFloat && BigDecimal.exact(f).isExactFloat }, s"At least one wrong BigDecimal representation for $f") } for (i <- 1 to 1000) { val ndig = 15+rn.nextInt(5) val s = Array.fill(ndig)((rn.nextInt(10)+'0').toChar).mkString val bi = BigInt(s) val l = bi.toLong val d = bi.toDouble val bd = BigDecimal(bi) val bd2 = BigDecimal.decimal(d) assert(!bi.isValidLong || bi == l, s"Should be invalid or equal: $bi $l") assert(!bi.isValidDouble || bi == d, s"Should be invalid or equal: $bi $d") assert(bd == bi, s"Should be equal $bi $bd") assert(bd.## == bi.##, s"Hash codes for $bi, $bd should be equal") assert(bd == bd2 || bd2 != BigDecimal.exact(d) || !bi.isValidDouble, s"$bd != $bd2 should only be when inexact or invalid") assert(d == bd2 && bd2 == d, s"$d != $bd2 but they should equal") } val different = List( BigDecimal.decimal(0.1), BigDecimal.binary(0.1), BigDecimal.binary(0.1, new MC(25)), BigDecimal.exact(0.1), BigDecimal.exact(0.1f), BigDecimal.decimal((0.1f).toDouble) ) for (a <- different; b <- different if (a ne b)) assert(a != b, "BigDecimal representations of Double mistakenly conflated") } // Make sure hash code agrees with decimal representation of Double @Test def test_SI8970() { assert((0.1).## == BigDecimal(0.1).##) } // Motivated by the problem of MathContext lost @Test def testMathContext() { def testPrecision() { val p = 1000 val n = BigDecimal("1.1", MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p) // BigDecimal(x: Float, mc: MC), which may not do what you want, is deprecated assert(BigDecimal(1.1f, MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p) == BigDecimal(java.lang.Double.toString(1.1f.toDouble), MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p)) assert(BigDecimal(1.1d, MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p) == n) assert(BigDecimal(new BD("1.1"), MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p) == n) assert(BigDecimal.decimal(1.1f, MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p) == n) assert(BigDecimal.decimal(1.1d, MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p) == n) assert(BigDecimal.decimal(new BD("1.1"), MC.UNLIMITED).pow(p) == n) assert((BigDecimal(11, MC.UNLIMITED) / 10).pow(p) == n) assert((BigDecimal.decimal(11, MC.UNLIMITED) / 10).pow(p) == n) } def testRounded() { // the default rounding mode is HALF_UP assert((BigDecimal(1.23f, new MC(3)) + BigDecimal("0.005")).rounded == BigDecimal("1.24")) // deprecated api assert((BigDecimal(1.23d, new MC(3)) + BigDecimal("0.005")).rounded == BigDecimal("1.24")) assert((BigDecimal.decimal(1.23f, new MC(3)) + BigDecimal("0.005")).rounded == BigDecimal("1.24")) assert((BigDecimal.decimal(1.23d, new MC(3)) + BigDecimal("0.005")).rounded == BigDecimal("1.24")) } testPrecision() testRounded() } @Test def testIsComparable() { assert(BigDecimal(0.1).isInstanceOf[java.lang.Comparable[_]]) } }