package import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.{Ignore, Test} import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import import import import @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class DirectCompileTest extends BytecodeTesting { override def compilerArgs = "-opt:l:method" import compiler._ @Test def testCompile(): Unit = { val List(("C.class", bytes)) = compileToBytes( """class C { | def f = 1 |} """.stripMargin) def s(i: Int, n: Int) = (bytes(i) & 0xff) << n assertTrue((s(0, 24) | s(1, 16) | s(2, 8) | s(3, 0)) == 0xcafebabe) // mocha java latte macchiato surpreme dark roasted espresso } @Test def testCompileClasses(): Unit = { val List(cClass, cModuleClass) = compileClasses("class C; object C") assertTrue( == "C") assertTrue( == "C$") val List(dMirror, dModuleClass) = compileClasses("object D") assertTrue( == "D") assertTrue( == "D$") } @Test def testCompileMethods(): Unit = { val List(f, g) = compileMethods( """def f = 10 |def g = f """.stripMargin) assertSameCode(f.instructions.dropNonOp, List(IntOp(BIPUSH, 10), Op(IRETURN))) assertSameCode(g.instructions.dropNonOp, List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "f", "()I", itf = false), Op(IRETURN))) } @Test def testDropNonOpAliveLabels(): Unit = { // makes sure that dropNoOp doesn't drop labels that are being used val is = compileInstructions("""def f(x: Int) = if (x == 0) "a" else "b"""") assertSameCode(is.dropLinesFrames, List( Label(0), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Op(ICONST_0), Jump(IF_ICMPNE, Label(7)), Ldc(LDC, "a"), Op(ARETURN), Label(7), Ldc(LDC, "b"), Op(ARETURN), Label(11) )) } @Test def testSeparateCompilation(): Unit = { val codeA = "class A { def f = 1 }" val codeB = "class B extends A { def g = f }" val List(a, b) = compileClassesSeparately(List(codeA, codeB)) val ins = getInstructions(b, "g") assert(ins exists { case Invoke(_, "B", "f", _, _) => true case _ => false }, ins) } @Test def compileErroneous(): Unit = { compileToBytes("class C { def f: String = 1 }", allowMessage = _.msg contains "type mismatch") } @Test def residentRedefineFinalFlag(): Unit = { val compiler = newCompiler() val a = "final class C { def c1 = 0 }" // for re-defined class symbols (C), the compiler did not clear the `final` flag. // so compiling `D` would give an error `illegal inheritance from final class C`. val b = "class C; class D extends C" compiler.compileToBytes(a) compiler.compileToBytes(b) } @Test def residentMultipleRunsNotCompanions(): Unit = { val compiler = newCompiler() val a = List(("public class A { }", "")) // when checking that a class and its companion are defined in the same compilation unit, the // compiler would also emit a warning if the two symbols are defined in separate runs. this // would lead to an error message when compiling the scala class A. val b = "class A" compiler.compileToBytes("", a) compiler.compileToBytes(b) } }