package package backend.jvm import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import import import import import @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class IndySammyTest extends BytecodeTesting { import compiler._ def funClassName(from: String, to: String) = s"Fun$from$to" def classPrologue(from: String, to: String) = "class VC(private val i: Int) extends AnyVal\n" + s"trait ${funClassName(from, to)} { def apply(a: $from): $to}" def lamDef(from: String, to: String, body: String => String) = s"""def lam = (x => ${body("x")}): ${funClassName(from, to)}""" def appDef(arg: String) = s"""def app = lam($arg)""" /* Create a lambda of type "$from => $to" (with body "$body(x)" if "x" is the argument name), * and apply it to `arg`. * * Check: * - the signature of the apply method * - the instructions in the lambda's body (anonfun method) * - the instructions used to create the argument for the application * (and the return corresponding to the lambda's result type) */ def test(from: String, to: String, arg: String, body: String => String = x => x) (expectedSig: String, lamBody: List[Instruction], appArgs: List[Instruction], ret: Instruction) (allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false) = { val List(funClass, vcClass, vcCompanion) = compileClasses(s"${classPrologue(from, to)}") val c = compileClass(s"class C { ${lamDef(from, to, body)}; ${appDef(arg)} }", allowMessage = allowMessage) val applySig = getAsmMethod(funClass, "apply").desc val anonfun = getMethod(c, "$anonfun$lam$1") val lamInsn = getInstructions(c, "lam").dropNonOp val applyInvoke = getMethod(c, "app") assertEquals(expectedSig, applySig) assert(lamInsn.length == 2 && lamInsn.head.isInstanceOf[InvokeDynamic], lamInsn) assertSameCode(anonfun, lamBody) assertSameCode(applyInvoke, List( VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "lam", s"()L${funClassName(from, to)};", false)) ++ appArgs ++ List( Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, funClassName(from, to), "apply", applySig, true), ret) ) } // def testSpecial(lam: String, lamTp: String, arg: String)(allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false) = { // val cls = compileClasses("trait Special[@specialized A] { def apply(a: A): A}" ) // val methodNodes = compileMethods(compiler)(s"def lam : $lamTp = $lam" +";"+ appDef(arg), allowMessage) // // val anonfun = methodNodes.filter( contains "$anonfun$").map(convertMethod) // val lamInsn = methodNodes.find( == "lam").map(instructionsFromMethod).get.dropNonOp // val applyInvoke = methodNodes.find( == "app").map(convertMethod).get // // assert(lamInsn.length == 2 && lamInsn.head.isInstanceOf[InvokeDynamic], lamInsn) // assertSameCode(anonfun, lamBody) // assertSameCode(applyInvoke, List( // VarOp(ALOAD, 0), // Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "lam", s"()L${funClassName(from, to)};", false)) ++ appArgs ++ List( // Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, funClassName(from, to), "apply", applySig, true), ret) // ) // } // x => x : VC => VC applied to VC(1) @Test def testVC_VC_VC = test("VC", "VC", "new VC(1)")("(I)I", List(VarOp(ILOAD, 0), Op(IRETURN)), List(Op(ICONST_1)), Op(IRETURN))() // x => new VC(x) : Int => VC applied to 1 @Test def testInt_VC_1 = test("Int", "VC", "1", x => s"new VC($x)")("(I)I", List(VarOp(ILOAD, 0), Op(IRETURN)), List(Op(ICONST_1)), Op(IRETURN))() // x => x : VC => Int applied to VC(1) @Test def testVC_Int_VC = test("VC", "Int", "new VC(1)", x => "1")("(I)I", List(Op(ICONST_1), Op(IRETURN)), List(Op(ICONST_1)), Op(IRETURN))() // x => new VC(1) : VC => Any applied to VC(1) @Test def testVC_Any_VC = test("VC", "Any", "new VC(1)", x => s"new VC(1)")("(I)Ljava/lang/Object;", List(TypeOp(NEW, "VC"), Op(DUP), Op(ICONST_1), Invoke(INVOKESPECIAL, "VC", "", "(I)V", false), Op(ARETURN)), List(Op(ICONST_1)), Op(ARETURN))() // x => x : VC => Unit applied to VC(1) @Test def testVC_Unit_VC = test("VC", "Unit", "new VC(1)")("(I)V", List(VarOp(ILOAD, 0), Op(POP), Op(RETURN)), List(Op(ICONST_1)), Op(RETURN))(allowMessage = _.msg.contains("pure expression")) // x => new VC(x.asInstanceOf[Int]) : Any => VC applied to 1 // // Scala: // def lam = (x => new VC(x.asInstanceOf[Int])): FunAny_VC // def app = lam(1) // Java: // FunAny_VC lam() { return x -> BoxesRunTime.unboxToInt((Object)x); } // int app() { lam().apply(BoxesRunTime.boxToInteger((int)1)); @Test def testAny_VC_1 = test("Any", "VC", "1", x => s"new VC($x.asInstanceOf[Int])")("(Ljava/lang/Object;)I", List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKESTATIC, "scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime", "unboxToInt", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)I", false), Op(IRETURN)), List(Op(ICONST_1), Invoke(INVOKESTATIC, "scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime", "boxToInteger", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;", false)), Op(IRETURN))() // TODO // x => x : Special[Int] applied to 1 // @Test // def testSpecial_Int_1 = // testSpecial("x => x", "Special[Int]", "1")() // Tests ThisReferringMethodsTraverser @Test def testStaticIfNoThisReference: Unit = { val methodNodes = compileAsmMethods("def foo = () => () => () => 42") methodNodes.forall(m => !"anonfun") || (m.access & ACC_STATIC) == ACC_STATIC) } }