package package backend.jvm package opt import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import org.junit.Test import import org.junit.Assert._ import import import CodeGenTools._ import import ASMConverters._ import BackendReporting._ import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class BTypesFromClassfileTest { // inliner enabled -> inlineInfos are collected (and compared) in ClassBTypes val compiler = newCompiler(extraArgs = "-Ybackend:GenBCode -Yopt:inline-global") import compiler._ import definitions._ import genBCode.bTypes import bTypes._ def duringBackend[T](f: => T) = compiler.exitingDelambdafy(f) val run = new compiler.Run() // initializes some of the compiler duringBackend(compiler.scalaPrimitives.init()) // needed: it's only done when running the backend, and we don't actually run the compiler duringBackend(bTypes.initializeCoreBTypes()) def clearCache() = bTypes.classBTypeFromInternalName.clear() def sameBType(fromSym: ClassBType, fromClassfile: ClassBType, checked: Set[InternalName] = Set.empty): Set[InternalName] = { if (checked(fromSym.internalName)) checked else { assert(fromSym == fromClassfile, s"$fromSym != $fromClassfile") sameInfo(,, checked + fromSym.internalName) } } def sameBTypes(fromSyms: Iterable[ClassBType], fromClassfiles: Iterable[ClassBType], checked: Set[InternalName]): Set[InternalName] = { assert(fromSyms.size == fromClassfiles.size, s"\n$fromSyms\n$fromClassfiles") (fromSyms, fromClassfiles).zipped.foldLeft(checked) { case (chk, (fromSym, fromClassfile)) => sameBType(fromSym, fromClassfile, chk) } } def sameInfo(fromSym: ClassInfo, fromClassfile: ClassInfo, checked: Set[InternalName]): Set[InternalName] = { assert({ // Nested class symbols can undergo makeNotPrivate (ExplicitOuter). But this is only applied // for symbols of class symbols that are being compiled, not those read from a pickle. // So a class may be public in bytecode, but the symbol still says private. if (fromSym.nestedInfo.isEmpty) fromSym.flags == fromClassfile.flags else (fromSym.flags | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_PUBLIC) == (fromClassfile.flags | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_PUBLIC) }, s"class flags differ\n$fromSym\n$fromClassfile") // we don't compare InlineInfos in this test: in both cases (from symbol and from classfile) they // are actually created by looking at the classfile members, not the symbol's. InlineInfos are only // built from symbols for classes that are being compiled, which is not the case here. Instead // there's a separate InlineInfoTest. val chk1 = sameBTypes(fromSym.superClass, fromClassfile.superClass, checked) val chk2 = sameBTypes(fromSym.interfaces, fromClassfile.interfaces, chk1) // The fromSym info has only member classes, no local or anonymous. The symbol is read from the // Scala pickle data and only member classes are created / entered. // (This is different for symbols that are being compiled, there flatten will enter all local // and anonymous classes as members of the outer class. But not for unpickled symbols). // The fromClassfile info has all nested classes, including anonymous and local. So we filter // them out: member classes are identified by having the `outerName` defined. val memberClassesFromClassfile = fromClassfile.nestedClasses.filter( // Sorting is required: the backend sorts all InnerClass entries by internalName before writing // them to the classfile (to make it deterministic: the entries are collected in a Set during // code generation). val chk3 = sameBTypes(fromSym.nestedClasses.sortBy(_.internalName), memberClassesFromClassfile.sortBy(_.internalName), chk2) sameBTypes(,, chk3) } def check(classSym: Symbol): Unit = duringBackend { clearCache() val fromSymbol = classBTypeFromSymbol(classSym) clearCache() val fromClassfile = bTypes.classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(fromSymbol.internalName) sameBType(fromSymbol, fromClassfile) } @Test def compareClassBTypes(): Unit = { // Note that not only these classes are tested, but also all their parents and all nested // classes in their InnerClass attributes. check(ObjectClass) check(JavaNumberClass) check(ConsClass) check(ListModule.moduleClass) } }