package package backend.jvm package opt import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import import import import @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class ClosureOptimizerTest extends BytecodeTesting { override def compilerArgs = "-opt:l:classpath -opt-warnings:_" import compiler._ @Test def nothingTypedClosureBody(): Unit = { val code = """abstract class C { | def isEmpty: Boolean | @inline final def getOrElse[T >: C](f: => T) = if (isEmpty) f else this | def t = getOrElse(throw new Error("")) |} """.stripMargin val c = compileClass(code) val t = getAsmMethod(c, "t") val bodyCall = findInstr(t, "INVOKESTATIC C.$anonfun$t$1 ()Lscala/runtime/Nothing$") assert(bodyCall.getNext.getOpcode == ATHROW) } @Test def nullTypedClosureBody(): Unit = { val code = """abstract class C { | def isEmpty: Boolean | @inline final def getOrElse[T >: C](f: => T) = if (isEmpty) f else this | def t = getOrElse(null) |} """.stripMargin val c = compileClass(code) val t = getAsmMethod(c, "t") val bodyCall = findInstr(t, "INVOKESTATIC C.$anonfun$t$1 ()Lscala/runtime/Null$") assert(bodyCall.getNext.getOpcode == POP) assert(bodyCall.getNext.getNext.getOpcode == ACONST_NULL) } @Test def makeLMFCastExplicit(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def t(l: List[String]) = { | val fun: String => String = s => s | fun(l.head) | } |} """.stripMargin val c = compileClass(code) assertSameCode(getMethod(c, "t"), List(VarOp(ALOAD, 1), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "scala/collection/immutable/List", "head", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", false), TypeOp(CHECKCAST, "java/lang/String"), Invoke(INVOKESTATIC, "C", "$anonfun$t$1", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;", false), Op(ARETURN))) } @Test def closureOptWithUnreachableCode(): Unit = { // this example used to crash the ProdCons analysis in the closure optimizer - ProdCons // expects no unreachable code. val code = """class C { | @inline final def m = throw new Error("") | def t = { | val f = (x: Int) => x + 1 | m | f(10) // unreachable after inlining m | } |} """.stripMargin val c = compileClass(code) assertSameSummary(getMethod(c, "t"), List(NEW, DUP, LDC, "", ATHROW)) } }