package package backend.jvm package opt import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import org.junit.Test import scala.collection.generic.Clearable import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.reflect.internal.util.BatchSourceFile import import org.junit.Assert._ import import import import import import import CodeGenTools._ import import ASMConverters._ import AsmUtils._ import BackendReporting._ import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._ import object InlinerTest extends ClearAfterClass.Clearable { val args = "-Ybackend:GenBCode -Yopt:l:classpath -Yopt-warnings" var compiler = newCompiler(extraArgs = args) // allows inspecting the caches after a compilation run def notPerRun: List[Clearable] = List(compiler.genBCode.bTypes.classBTypeFromInternalName, compiler.genBCode.bTypes.byteCodeRepository.classes, compiler.genBCode.bTypes.callGraph.callsites) notPerRun foreach compiler.perRunCaches.unrecordCache def clear(): Unit = { compiler = null } implicit class listStringLines[T](val l: List[T]) extends AnyVal { def stringLines = l.mkString("\n") } def assertNoInvoke(m: Method): Unit = assertNoInvoke(m.instructions) def assertNoInvoke(ins: List[Instruction]): Unit = { assert(!ins.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Invoke]), ins.stringLines) } def assertInvoke(m: Method, receiver: String, method: String): Unit = assertInvoke(m.instructions, receiver, method) def assertInvoke(l: List[Instruction], receiver: String, method: String): Unit = { assert(l.exists { case Invoke(_, `receiver`, `method`, _, _) => true case _ => false }, l.stringLines) } } @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class InlinerTest extends ClearAfterClass { ClearAfterClass.stateToClear = InlinerTest import InlinerTest.{listStringLines, assertInvoke, assertNoInvoke} val compiler = InlinerTest.compiler import compiler.genBCode.bTypes._ def compile(scalaCode: String, javaCode: List[(String, String)] = Nil, allowMessage: StoreReporter#Info => Boolean = _ => false): List[ClassNode] = { InlinerTest.notPerRun.foreach(_.clear()) compileClasses(compiler)(scalaCode, javaCode, allowMessage) } def checkCallsite(callsite: callGraph.Callsite, callee: MethodNode) = { assert(callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.contains(callsite.callsiteInstruction), instructionsFromMethod(callsite.callsiteMethod)) val callsiteClassNode = byteCodeRepository.classNode(callsite.callsiteClass.internalName).get assert(callsiteClassNode.methods.contains(callsite.callsiteMethod), assert(callsite.callee.get.callee == callee, } // inline first invocation of f into g in class C def inlineTest(code: String, mod: ClassNode => Unit = _ => ()): (MethodNode, Option[CannotInlineWarning]) = { val List(cls) = compile(code) mod(cls) val clsBType = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile( val List(f, g) = cls.methods.asScala.filter(m => Set("f", "g")( val fCall = g.instructions.iterator.asScala.collect({ case i: MethodInsnNode if == "f" => i }).next() val analyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(g, clsBType.internalName) val r = inliner.inline( fCall, analyzer.frameAt(fCall).getStackSize, g, clsBType, f, clsBType, receiverKnownNotNull = true, keepLineNumbers = true) (g, r) } @Test def simpleInlineOK(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def f = 1 | def g = f + f |} """.stripMargin val (g, _) = inlineTest(code) val gConv = convertMethod(g) assertSameCode(gConv.instructions.dropNonOp, List( VarOp(ALOAD, 0), VarOp(ASTORE, 1), // store this Op(ICONST_1), VarOp(ISTORE, 2), Jump(GOTO, Label(10)), // store return value Label(10), VarOp(ILOAD, 2), // load return value VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "f", "()I", false), Op(IADD), Op(IRETURN))) // line numbers are kept, so there's a line 2 (from the inlined f) assert(gConv.instructions exists { case LineNumber(2, _) => true case _ => false }, gConv.instructions.filter(_.isInstanceOf[LineNumber])) assert( == List("f_this", "this"), gConv.localVars) assert(g.maxStack == 2 && g.maxLocals == 3, s"${g.maxLocals} - ${g.maxStack}") } @Test def nothingTypedOK(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def f: Nothing = ??? | def g: Int = { f; 1 } |} """.stripMargin // On the bytecode level, methods of type Nothing have return type Nothing$. // This can be treated like any other result object. // See also discussion around ATHROW in BCodeBodyBuilder val (g, _) = inlineTest(code) val expectedInlined = List( VarOp(ALOAD, 0), VarOp(ASTORE, 1), // store this Field(GETSTATIC, "scala/Predef$", "MODULE$", "Lscala/Predef$;"), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "scala/Predef$", "$qmark$qmark$qmark", "()Lscala/runtime/Nothing$;", false)) // inlined call to ??? assertSameCode(convertMethod(g).instructions.dropNonOp.take(4), expectedInlined) compiler.genBCode.bTypes.localOpt.methodOptimizations(g, "C") assertSameCode(convertMethod(g).instructions.dropNonOp, expectedInlined ++ List(VarOp(ASTORE, 2), VarOp(ALOAD, 2), Op(ATHROW))) } @Test def synchronizedNoInline(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def f: Int = 0 | def g: Int = f |} """.stripMargin val (_, can) = inlineTest(code, cls => { val f = cls.methods.asScala.find( == "f").get f.access |= ACC_SYNCHRONIZED }) assert(can.get.isInstanceOf[SynchronizedMethod], can) } @Test def tryCatchOK(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def f: Int = try { 1 } catch { case _: Exception => 2 } | def g = f + 1 |} """.stripMargin val (_, r) = inlineTest(code) assert(r.isEmpty, r) } @Test def tryCatchNoInline(): Unit = { // cannot inline f: there's a value on g's stack. if f throws and enters the handler, all values // on the stack are removed, including the one of g's stack that we still need. val code = """class C { | def f: Int = try { 1 } catch { case _: Exception => 2 } | def g = println(f) |} """.stripMargin val (_, r) = inlineTest(code) assert(r.get.isInstanceOf[MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack], r) } @Test def illegalAccessNoInline(): Unit = { val code = """package a { | class C { | private def f: Int = 0 | def g: Int = f | } |} |package b { | class D { | def h(c: a.C): Int = c.g + 1 | } |} """.stripMargin val List(c, d) = compile(code) val cTp = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile( val dTp = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile( val g = c.methods.asScala.find( == "g").get val h = d.methods.asScala.find( == "h").get val gCall = h.instructions.iterator.asScala.collect({ case m: MethodInsnNode if == "g" => m }).next() val analyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(h, dTp.internalName) val r = inliner.inline( gCall, analyzer.frameAt(gCall).getStackSize, h, dTp, g, cTp, receiverKnownNotNull = true, keepLineNumbers = true) assert(r.get.isInstanceOf[IllegalAccessInstruction], r) } @Test def inlineSimpleAtInline(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | @inline final def f = 0 | final def g = 1 | | def test = f + g |} """.stripMargin val List(cCls) = compile(code) val instructions = getSingleMethod(cCls, "test").instructions assert(instructions.contains(Op(ICONST_0)), instructions.stringLines) assert(!instructions.contains(Op(ICONST_1)), instructions) } @Test def cyclicInline(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | @inline final def f: Int = g | @inline final def g: Int = f |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compile(code) val methods @ List(_, g) = c.methods.asScala.filter( == 1).toList val List(fIns, gIns) = val invokeG = Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "g", "()I", false) assert(fIns contains invokeG, fIns) // no inlining into f, that request is elided assert(gIns contains invokeG, gIns) // f is inlined into g, g invokes itself recursively assert(callGraph.callsites.size == 3, callGraph.callsites) for (callsite <- callGraph.callsites.values if methods.contains(callsite.callsiteMethod)) { checkCallsite(callsite, g) } } @Test def cyclicInline2(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | @inline final def h: Int = f | @inline final def f: Int = g + g | @inline final def g: Int = h |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compile(code) val methods @ List(f, g, h) = c.methods.asScala.filter( == 1).sortBy( val List(fIns, gIns, hIns) = val invokeG = Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C", "g", "()I", false) assert(fIns.count(_ == invokeG) == 2, fIns) // no inlining into f, these requests are elided assert(gIns.count(_ == invokeG) == 2, gIns) assert(hIns.count(_ == invokeG) == 2, hIns) assert(callGraph.callsites.size == 7, callGraph.callsites) for (callsite <- callGraph.callsites.values if methods.contains(callsite.callsiteMethod)) { checkCallsite(callsite, g) } } @Test def arraycopy(): Unit = { // also tests inlining of a void-returning method (no return value on the stack) val code = """// can't use the `compat.Platform.arraycopy` from the std lib for now, because the classfile doesn't have a ScalaInlineInfo attribute |object Platform { | @inline def arraycopy(src: AnyRef, srcPos: Int, dest: AnyRef, destPos: Int, length: Int) { | System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length) | } |} |class C { | def f(src: AnyRef, srcPos: Int, dest: AnyRef, destPos: Int, length: Int): Unit = { | Platform.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length) | } |} """.stripMargin val List(c, _, _) = compile(code) val ins = getSingleMethod(c, "f").instructions val invokeSysArraycopy = Invoke(INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/System", "arraycopy", "(Ljava/lang/Object;ILjava/lang/Object;II)V", false) assert(ins contains invokeSysArraycopy, ins.stringLines) } @Test def arrayMemberMethod(): Unit = { // This used to crash when building the call graph. The `owner` field of the MethodInsnNode // for the invocation of `clone` is not an internal name, but a full array descriptor // [Ljava.lang.Object; - the documentation in the ASM library didn't mention that possibility. val code = """class C { | def f(a: Array[Object]) = { | a.clone() | } |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compile(code) assert(callGraph.callsites.values exists ( == "clone")) } @Test def atInlineInTrait(): Unit = { val code = """trait T { | @inline final def f = 0 |} |class C { | def g(t: T) = t.f |} """.stripMargin val List(c, t, tClass) = compile(code) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "g")) } @Test def inlinePrivateMethodWithHandler(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | @inline private def f = try { 0 } catch { case _: Throwable => 1 } | def g = f |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compile(code) // no more invoke, f is inlined assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "g")) } @Test def inlineStaticCall(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def f = Integer.lowestOneBit(103) |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compile(code) val f = c.methods.asScala.find( == "f").get val callsiteIns = f.instructions.iterator().asScala.collect({ case c: MethodInsnNode => c }).next() val clsBType = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile( val analyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(f, clsBType.internalName) val integerClassBType = classBTypeFromInternalName("java/lang/Integer") val lowestOneBitMethod = byteCodeRepository.methodNode(integerClassBType.internalName, "lowestOneBit", "(I)I").get._1 val r = inliner.inline( callsiteIns, analyzer.frameAt(callsiteIns).getStackSize, f, clsBType, lowestOneBitMethod, integerClassBType, receiverKnownNotNull = false, keepLineNumbers = false) assert(r.isEmpty, r) val ins = instructionsFromMethod(f) // no invocations, lowestOneBit is inlined assertNoInvoke(ins) // no null check when inlining a static method ins foreach { case Jump(IFNONNULL, _) => assert(false, ins.stringLines) case _ => } } @Test def maxLocalsMaxStackAfterInline(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | @inline final def f1(x: Int): Int = { | val a = x + 1 | math.max(a, math.min(10, a - 1)) | } | | @inline final def f2(x: Int): Unit = { | val a = x + 1 | println(math.max(a, 10)) | } | | def g1 = println(f1(32)) | def g2 = println(f2(32)) |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compile(code) val ms @ List(f1, f2, g1, g2) = c.methods.asScala.filter( == 2).toList // stack height at callsite of f1 is 1, so max of g1 after inlining is max of f1 + 1 assert(g1.maxStack == 7 && f1.maxStack == 6, s"${g1.maxStack} - ${f1.maxStack}") // locals in f1: this, x, a // locals in g1 after inlining: this, this-of-f1, x, a, return value assert(g1.maxLocals == 5 && f1.maxLocals == 3, s"${g1.maxLocals} - ${f1.maxLocals}") // like maxStack in g1 / f1 assert(g2.maxStack == 5 && f2.maxStack == 4, s"${g2.maxStack} - ${f2.maxStack}") // like maxLocals for g1 / f1, but no return value assert(g2.maxLocals == 4 && f2.maxLocals == 3, s"${g2.maxLocals} - ${f2.maxLocals}") } @Test def mixedCompilationNoInline(): Unit = { // The inliner checks if the invocation `` can be safely inlined. For that it needs to have // the bytecode of the invoked method. In mixed compilation, there's no classfile available for // A, so `flop` cannot be inlined, we cannot check if it's safe. val javaCode = """public class A { | public static final int bar() { return 100; } |} """.stripMargin val scalaCode = """class B { | @inline final def flop = | def g = flop |} """.stripMargin val warn = """B::flop()I is annotated @inline but could not be inlined: |Failed to check if B::flop()I can be safely inlined to B without causing an IllegalAccessError. Checking instruction INVOKESTATIC ()I failed: |The method bar()I could not be found in the class A or any of its parents. |Note that the following parent classes are defined in Java sources (mixed compilation), no bytecode is available: A""".stripMargin var c = 0 val List(b) = compile(scalaCode, List((javaCode, "")), allowMessage = i => {c += 1; i.msg contains warn}) assert(c == 1, c) val ins = getSingleMethod(b, "g").instructions val invokeFlop = Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "B", "flop", "()I", false) assert(ins contains invokeFlop, ins.stringLines) } @Test def inlineFromTraits(): Unit = { val code = """trait T { | @inline final def f = g | @inline final def g = 1 |} | |class C extends T { | def t1(t: T) = t.f | def t2(c: C) = c.f |} """.stripMargin val List(c, t, tClass) = compile(code) // both are just `return 1`, no more calls assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t2")) } @Test def inlineMixinMethods(): Unit = { val code = """trait T { | @inline final def f = 1 |} |class C extends T """.stripMargin val List(c, t, tClass) = compile(code) // the static implementaiton method is inlined into the mixin, so there's no invocation in the mixin assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "f")) } @Test def inlineTraitInherited(): Unit = { val code = """trait T { | @inline final def f = 1 |} |trait U extends T { | @inline final def g = f |} |class C extends U { | def t1 = f | def t2 = g |} """.stripMargin val List(c, t, tClass, u, uClass) = compile(code) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t2")) } @Test def virtualTraitNoInline(): Unit = { val code = """trait T { | @inline def f = 1 |} |class C extends T { | def t1(t: T) = t.f | def t2 = this.f |} """.stripMargin val warns = Set( "C::f()I is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined: the method is not final and may be overridden", "T::f()I is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined: the method is not final and may be overridden") var count = 0 val List(c, t, tClass) = compile(code, allowMessage = i => {count += 1; warns.exists(i.msg contains _)}) assert(count == 2, count) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1"), "T", "f") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t2"), "C", "f") } @Test def sealedTraitInline(): Unit = { val code = """sealed trait T { | @inline def f = 1 |} |class C { | def t1(t: T) = t.f |} """.stripMargin val List(c, t, tClass) = compile(code) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1")) } @Test def inlineFromObject(): Unit = { val code = """trait T { | @inline def f = 0 |} |object O extends T { | @inline def g = 1 | // mixin generates `def f = T$class.f(this)`, which is inlined here (we get ICONST_0) |} |class C { | def t1 = O.f // the mixin method of O is inlined, so we directly get the ICONST_0 | def t2 = O.g // object members are inlined | def t3(t: T) = t.f // no inlining here |} """.stripMargin val warn = "T::f()I is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined: the method is not final and may be overridden" var count = 0 val List(c, oMirror, oModule, t, tClass) = compile(code, allowMessage = i => {count += 1; i.msg contains warn}) assert(count == 1, count) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(oModule, "f")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t2")) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t3"), "T", "f") } @Test def selfTypeInline(): Unit = { val code = """trait T { self: Assembly => | @inline final def f = g | @inline final def m = 1 |} |trait Assembly extends T { | @inline final def g = 1 | @inline final def n = m // inlined. (*) | // (*) the declaration class of m is T. the signature of T$class.m is m(LAssembly;)I. so we need the self type to build the | // signature. then we can look up the MethodNode of T$class.m and then rewrite the INVOKEINTERFACE to INVOKESTATIC. |} |class C { | def t1(a: Assembly) = a.f // like above, decl class is T, need self-type of T to rewrite the interface call to static. | def t2(a: Assembly) = a.n |} """.stripMargin val List(assembly, assemblyClass, c, t, tClass) = compile(code) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(tClass, "f")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(assemblyClass, "n")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t1")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t2")) } @Test def selfTypeInline2(): Unit = { // There are some interesting things going on here with the self types. Here's a short version: // // trait T1 { def f = 1 } // trait T2a { self: T1 with T2a => // self type in the backend: T1 // def f = 2 // def g = f // resolved to T2a.f // } // trait T2b { self: T2b with T1 => // self type in the backend: T2b // def f = 2 // def g = f // resolved to T1.f // } // // scala> val t = typeOf[T2a]; exitingMixin(t.typeOfThis.typeSymbol) // self type of T2a is T1 // res28: $ = trait T1 // // scala> typeOf[T2a].typeOfThis.member(newTermName("f")).owner // f in T2a is resolved as T2a.f // res29: $ = trait T2a // // scala> val t = typeOf[T2b]; exitingMixin(t.typeOfThis.typeSymbol) // self type of T2b is T1 // res30: $ = trait T2b // // scala> typeOf[T2b].typeOfThis.member(newTermName("f")).owner // f in T2b is resolved as T1.f // res31: $ = trait T1 val code = """trait T1 { | @inline def f: Int = 0 | @inline def g1 = f // not inlined: f not final, so T1$class.g1 has an interface call T1.f |} | |// erased self-type (used in impl class for `self` parameter): T1 |trait T2a { self: T1 with T2a => | @inline override final def f = 1 | @inline def g2a = f // inlined: resolved as T2a.f, which is re-written to T2a$class.f, so T2a$class.g2a has ICONST_1 |} | |final class Ca extends T1 with T2a { | // mixin generates accessors like `def g1 = T1$class.g1`, the impl class method call is inlined into the accessor. | | def m1a = g1 // call to accessor, inlined, we get the interface call T1.f | def m2a = g2a // call to accessor, inlined, we get ICONST_1 | def m3a = f // call to accessor, inlined, we get ICONST_1 | | def m4a(t: T1) = t.f // T1.f is not final, so not inlined, interface call to T1.f | def m5a(t: T2a) = t.f // re-written to T2a$class.f, inlined, ICONST_1 |} | |// erased self-type: T2b |trait T2b { self: T2b with T1 => | @inline override final def f = 1 | @inline def g2b = f // not inlined: resolved as T1.f, so T2b$class.g2b has an interface call T1.f |} | |final class Cb extends T1 with T2b { | def m1b = g1 // inlined, we get the interface call to T1.f | def m2b = g2b // inlined, we get the interface call to T1.f | def m3b = f // inlined, we get ICONST_1 | | def m4b(t: T1) = t.f // T1.f is not final, so not inlined, interface call to T1.f | def m5b(t: T2b) = t.f // re-written to T2b$class.f, inlined, ICONST_1 |} """.stripMargin val warning = "T1::f()I is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined: the method is not final and may be overridden" var count = 0 val List(ca, cb, t1, t1C, t2a, t2aC, t2b, t2bC) = compile(code, allowMessage = i => {count += 1; i.msg contains warning}) assert(count == 4, count) // see comments, f is not inlined 4 times val t2aCfDesc = t2aC.methods.asScala.find( == "f").get.desc assert(t2aCfDesc == "(LT1;)I", t2aCfDesc) // self-type of T2a is T1 val t2bCfDesc = t2bC.methods.asScala.find( == "f").get.desc assert(t2bCfDesc == "(LT2b;)I", t2bCfDesc) // self-type of T2b is T2b assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(t2aC, "g2a")) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(t2bC, "g2b"), "T1", "f") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(ca, "m1a"), "T1", "f") assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(ca, "m2a")) // no invoke, see comment on def g2a assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(ca, "m3a")) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(ca, "m4a"), "T1", "f") assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(ca, "m5a")) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(cb, "m1b"), "T1", "f") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(cb, "m2b"), "T1", "f") // invoke, see comment on def g2b assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(cb, "m3b")) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(cb, "m4b"), "T1", "f") assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(cb, "m5b")) } @Test def finalSubclassInline(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | @inline def f = 0 | @inline final def g = 1 |} |final class D extends C |object E extends C |class T { | def t1(d: D) = d.f + d.g + E.f + E.g // d.f can be inlined because the receiver type is D, which is final. |} // so d.f can be resolved statically. same for E.f """.stripMargin val List(c, d, e, eModule, t) = compile(code) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(t, "t1")) } @Test def inlineFromNestedClasses(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | trait T { @inline final def f = 1 } | class D extends T{ | def m(t: T) = t.f | } | | def m(d: D) = d.f |} """.stripMargin val List(c, d, t, tC) = compile(code) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(d, "m")) assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "m")) } @Test def inlineTraitCastReceiverToSelf(): Unit = { val code = """class C { def foo(x: Int) = x } |trait T { self: C => | @inline final def f(x: Int) = foo(x) | def t1 = f(1) | def t2(t: T) = t.f(2) |} """.stripMargin val List(c, t, tc) = compile(code) val t1 = getSingleMethod(tc, "t1") val t2 = getSingleMethod(tc, "t2") val cast = TypeOp(CHECKCAST, "C") Set(t1, t2).foreach(m => assert(m.instructions.contains(cast), m.instructions)) } @Test def abstractMethodWarning(): Unit = { val code = """abstract class C { | @inline def foo: Int |} |class T { | def t1(c: C) = |} """.stripMargin val warn = "C::foo()I is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined: the method is not final and may be overridden" var c = 0 compile(code, allowMessage = i => {c += 1; i.msg contains warn}) assert(c == 1, c) } @Test def abstractFinalMethodError(): Unit = { val code = """abstract class C { | @inline final def foo: Int |} |trait T { | @inline final def bar: Int |} """.stripMargin val err = "abstract member may not have final modifier" var i = 0 compile(code, allowMessage = info => {i += 1; info.msg contains err}) assert(i == 2, i) } @Test def noInlineTraitFieldAccessors(): Unit = { val code = """sealed trait T { | lazy val a = 0 | val b = 1 | final lazy val c = 2 | final val d = 3 | final val d1: Int = 3 | | @noinline def f = 5 // re-written to T$class | @noinline final def g = 6 // re-written | | @noinline def h: Int | @inline def i: Int |} | |trait U { // not sealed | lazy val a = 0 | val b = 1 | final lazy val c = 2 | final val d = 3 | final val d1: Int = 3 | | @noinline def f = 5 // not re-written (not final) | @noinline final def g = 6 // re-written | | @noinline def h: Int | @inline def i: Int |} | |class C { | def m1(t: T) = t.a + t.b + t.c + t.d1 | def m2(t: T) = t.d // inlined by the type-checker's constant folding | def m3(t: T) = t.f + t.g + t.h + t.i | | def m4(u: U) = u.a + u.b + u.c + u.d1 | def m5(u: U) = u.d | def m6(u: U) = u.f + u.g + u.h + u.i |} """.stripMargin val List(c, t, tClass, u, uClass) = compile(code, allowMessage = _.msg contains "i()I is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined") val m1 = getSingleMethod(c, "m1") assertInvoke(m1, "T", "a") assertInvoke(m1, "T", "b") assertInvoke(m1, "T", "c") assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "m2")) val m3 = getSingleMethod(c, "m3") assertInvoke(m3, "T$class", "f") assertInvoke(m3, "T$class", "g") assertInvoke(m3, "T", "h") assertInvoke(m3, "T", "i") val m4 = getSingleMethod(c, "m4") assertInvoke(m4, "U", "a") assertInvoke(m4, "U", "b") assertInvoke(m4, "U", "c") assertNoInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "m5")) val m6 = getSingleMethod(c, "m6") assertInvoke(m6, "U", "f") assertInvoke(m6, "U$class", "g") assertInvoke(m6, "U", "h") assertInvoke(m6, "U", "i") } @Test def mixedNoCrashSI9111(): Unit = { val javaCode = """public final class A { | public static final class T { } | public static final class Inner { | public static final class T { } | public T newT() { return null; } | } |} """.stripMargin val scalaCode = """class C { | val i = new A.Inner() |} """.stripMargin // We don't get to see the warning about SI-9111, because it is associated with the MethodInlineInfo // of method newT, which is not actually used. // The problem is: if we reference `newT` in the scalaCode, the scala code does not compile, // because then SI-9111 triggers during type-checking class C, in the compiler frontend, and // we don't even get to the backend. // Nevertheless, the workaround for SI-9111 in BcodeAsmCommon.buildInlineInfoFromClassSymbol // is still necessary, otherwise this test crashes. // The warning below is the typical warning we get in mixed compilation. val warn = """failed to determine if should be inlined: |The method ()V could not be found in the class A$Inner or any of its parents. |Note that the following parent classes could not be found on the classpath: A$Inner""".stripMargin var c = 0 compileClasses(newCompiler(extraArgs = InlinerTest.args + " -Yopt-warnings:_"))( scalaCode, List((javaCode, "")), allowMessage = i => {c += 1; i.msg contains warn}) assert(c == 1, c) } @Test def inlineInvokeSpecial(): Unit = { val code = """class Aa { | def f1 = 0 |} |class B extends Aa { | @inline final override def f1 = 1 + super.f1 // invokespecial Aa.f1 | | private def f2m = 0 // public B$$f2m in bytecode | @inline final def f2 = f2m // invokevirtual B.B$$f2m | | private def this(x: Int) = this() // public in bytecode | @inline final def f3 = new B() // invokespecial B.() | @inline final def f4 = new B(1) // invokespecial B.(I) | | def t1 = f1 // inlined | def t2 = f2 // inlined | def t3 = f3 // inlined | def t4 = f4 // inlined |} |class T { | def t1(b: B) = b.f1 // cannot inline: contains a super call | def t2(b: B) = b.f2 // inlined | def t3(b: B) = b.f3 // inlined | def t4(b: B) = b.f4 // inlined |} """.stripMargin val warn = """B::f1()I is annotated @inline but could not be inlined: |The callee B::f1()I contains the instruction INVOKESPECIAL Aa.f1 ()I |that would cause an IllegalAccessError when inlined into class T.""".stripMargin var c = 0 val List(a, b, t) = compile(code, allowMessage = i => {c += 1; i.msg contains warn}) assert(c == 1, c) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(b, "t1"), "Aa", "f1") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(b, "t2"), "B", "B$$f2m") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(b, "t3"), "B", "") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(b, "t4"), "B", "") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(t, "t1"), "B", "f1") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(t, "t2"), "B", "B$$f2m") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(t, "t3"), "B", "") assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(t, "t4"), "B", "") } @Test def dontInlineNative(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def t = System.arraycopy(null, 0, null, 0, 0) |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compileClasses(newCompiler(extraArgs = InlinerTest.args + " -Yopt-inline-heuristics:everything"))(code) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t"), "java/lang/System", "arraycopy") } @Test def inlineMayRenderCodeDead(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | @inline final def f: String = throw new Error("") | @inline final def g: String = "a" + f + "b" // after inlining f, need to run DCE, because the rest of g becomes dead. | def t = g // the inliner requires no dead code when inlining g (uses an Analyzer). |} """.stripMargin val List(c) = compile(code) assertInvoke(getSingleMethod(c, "t"), "java/lang/Error", "") } }