package package backend.jvm package opt import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import org.junit.Test import import org.junit.Assert._ import CodeGenTools._ import import ASMConverters._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class SimplifyJumpsTest { @Test def simpleGotoReturn(): Unit = { val ops = List( Jump(GOTO, Label(2)), // replaced by RETURN Op(ICONST_1), // need some code, otherwise removeJumpToSuccessor kicks in Op(POP), Label(1), // multiple labels OK Label(2), Label(3), Op(RETURN) ) val method = genMethod()(ops: _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), Op(RETURN) :: ops.tail) } @Test def simpleGotoThrow(): Unit = { val rest = List( Op(ICONST_1), // need some code, otherwise removeJumpToSuccessor kicks in Op(POP), Label(1), Label(2), Label(3), Op(ATHROW) ) val method = genMethod()( Op(ACONST_NULL) :: Jump(GOTO, Label(2)) :: // replaced by ATHROW rest: _* ) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), Op(ACONST_NULL) :: Op(ATHROW) :: rest) } @Test def gotoThrowInTry(): Unit = { val handler = List(ExceptionHandler(Label(1), Label(2), Label(4), Some("java/lang/Throwable"))) val initialInstrs = List( Label(1), Op(ACONST_NULL), Jump(GOTO, Label(3)), // not by ATHROW (would move the ATHROW into a try block) Label(2), Op(ICONST_1), // need some code, otherwise removeJumpToSuccessor kicks in Op(POP), Label(3), Op(ATHROW), Label(4), Op(POP), Op(RETURN) ) val method = genMethod(handlers = handler)(initialInstrs: _*) assertFalse(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), initialInstrs) val optMethod = genMethod()(initialInstrs: _*) // no handler assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(optMethod)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(optMethod).take(3), List(Label(1), Op(ACONST_NULL), Op(ATHROW))) } @Test def simplifyBranchOverGoto(): Unit = { val begin = List( VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFGE, Label(2)) ) val rest = List( Jump(GOTO, Label(3)), Label(11), // other labels here are allowed Label(2), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Op(RETURN), Label(3), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Op(IRETURN) ) val method = genMethod()(begin ::: rest: _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode( instructionsFromMethod(method), List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLT, Label(3))) ::: rest.tail ) // branch over goto is OK even if there's a label in between, if that label is not a jump target val withNonJumpTargetLabel = genMethod()(begin ::: Label(22) :: rest: _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(withNonJumpTargetLabel)) assertSameCode( instructionsFromMethod(withNonJumpTargetLabel), List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLT, Label(3)), Label(22)) ::: rest.tail ) // if the Label(22) between IFGE and GOTO is the target of some jump, we cannot rewrite the IFGE // and remove the GOTO: removing the GOTO would change semantics. However, the jump that targets // Label(22) will be re-written (jump-chain collapsing), so in a second round, the IFGE is still // rewritten to IFLT val twoRounds = genMethod()(List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLE, Label(22))) ::: begin ::: Label(22) :: rest: _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(twoRounds)) assertSameCode( instructionsFromMethod(twoRounds), List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLE, Label(3)), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFLT, Label(3)), Label(22)) ::: rest.tail ) } @Test def ensureGotoRemoved(): Unit = { def code(jumps: Instruction*) = List( VarOp(ILOAD, 1)) ::: jumps.toList ::: List( Label(2), Op(RETURN), Label(3), Op(RETURN) ) // ensures that the goto is safely removed. ASM supports removing while iterating, but not the // next element of the current. Here, the current is the IFGE, the next is the GOTO. val method = genMethod()(code(Jump(IFGE, Label(2)), Jump(GOTO, Label(3))): _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), code(Jump(IFLT, Label(3)))) } @Test def removeJumpToSuccessor(): Unit = { val ops = List( Jump(GOTO, Label(1)), Label(11), Label(1), Label(2), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Op(IRETURN) ) val method = genMethod()(ops: _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), ops.tail) } @Test def collapseJumpChains(): Unit = { def ops(target1: Int, target2: Int, target3: Int) = List( VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFGE, Label(target1)), // initially 1, then 3 VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Op(IRETURN), Label(2), Jump(GOTO, Label(target3)), Label(1), Jump(GOTO, Label(target2)), // initially 2, then 3 VarOp(ILOAD, 1), // some code to prevent jumpToSuccessor optimization (once target2 is replaced by 3) Op(RETURN), Label(3), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Op(IRETURN) ) val method = genMethod()(ops(1, 2, 3): _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), ops(3, 3, 3)) } @Test def collapseJumpChainLoop(): Unit = { def ops(target: Int) = List( VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Jump(IFGE, Label(target)), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), // some code to prevent rewriting the conditional jump Op(IRETURN), Label(4), Jump(GOTO, Label(3)), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), // some code to prevent jumpToSuccessor (label 3) Op(IRETURN), Label(3), Jump(GOTO, Label(4)), Label(2), Jump(GOTO, Label(3)) ) val method = genMethod()(ops(2): _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), ops(3)) } @Test def simplifyThenElseSameTarget(): Unit = { def ops(jumpOp: Instruction) = List( VarOp(ILOAD, 1), jumpOp, Label(2), Jump(GOTO, Label(1)), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), // some code to prevent jumpToSuccessor (label 1) Op(IRETURN), Label(1), VarOp(ILOAD, 1), Op(IRETURN) ) val method = genMethod()(ops(Jump(IFGE, Label(1))): _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), ops(Op(POP))) } @Test def thenElseSameTargetLoop(): Unit = { def ops(br: List[Instruction]) = List( VarOp(ILOAD, 1), VarOp(ILOAD, 2)) ::: br ::: List( Label(1), Jump(GOTO, Label(1)) ) val method = genMethod()(ops(List(Jump(IF_ICMPGE, Label(1)))): _*) assertTrue(LocalOptImpls.simplifyJumps(method)) assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method), ops(List(Op(POP), Op(POP)))) } }