package package backend.jvm package opt import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import import import import import @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class UnreachableCodeTest extends ClearAfterClass { // jvm-1.6 enables emitting stack map frames, which impacts the code generation wrt dead basic blocks, // see comment in BCodeBodyBuilder val methodOptCompiler = cached("methodOptCompiler", () => newCompiler(extraArgs = "-opt:l:method")) val dceCompiler = cached("dceCompiler", () => newCompiler(extraArgs = "-opt:unreachable-code")) val noOptCompiler = cached("noOptCompiler", () => newCompiler(extraArgs = "-opt:l:none")) def assertEliminateDead(code: (Instruction, Boolean)*): Unit = { val method = genMethod()( _*), "C") val nonEliminated = instructionsFromMethod(method) val expectedLive = code.filter(_._2).map(_._1).toList assertSameCode(nonEliminated, expectedLive) } @Test def basicElimination(): Unit = { assertEliminateDead( Op(ACONST_NULL), Op(ATHROW), Op(RETURN).dead ) assertEliminateDead( Op(RETURN) ) assertEliminateDead( Op(RETURN), Op(ACONST_NULL).dead, Op(ATHROW).dead ) } @Test def eliminateNop(): Unit = { assertEliminateDead( // reachable, but removed anyway. Op(NOP).dead, Op(RETURN), Op(NOP).dead ) } @Test def eliminateBranchOver(): Unit = { assertEliminateDead( Jump(GOTO, Label(1)), Op(ACONST_NULL).dead, Op(ATHROW).dead, Label(1), Op(RETURN) ) assertEliminateDead( Jump(GOTO, Label(1)), Label(1), Op(RETURN) ) } @Test def deadLabelsRemain(): Unit = { assertEliminateDead( Op(RETURN), Jump(GOTO, Label(1)).dead, // not dead - labels may be referenced from other places in a classfile (eg exceptions table). // will need a different opt to get rid of them Label(1) ) } @Test def pushPopNotEliminated(): Unit = { assertEliminateDead( // not dead, visited by data flow analysis. Op(ACONST_NULL), Op(POP), Op(RETURN) ) } @Test def nullnessNotConsidered(): Unit = { assertEliminateDead( Op(ACONST_NULL), Jump(IFNULL, Label(1)), Op(RETURN), // not dead Label(1), Op(RETURN) ) } @Test def basicEliminationCompiler(): Unit = { val code = "def f: Int = { return 1; 2 }" val withDce = dceCompiler.compileInstructions(code) assertSameCode(withDce.dropNonOp, List(Op(ICONST_1), Op(IRETURN))) val noDce = noOptCompiler.compileInstructions(code) // The emitted code is ICONST_1, IRETURN, ICONST_2, IRETURN. The latter two are dead. // // GenBCode puts the last IRETURN into a new basic block: it emits a label before the second // IRETURN. This is an implementation detail, it may change; it affects the outcome of this test. // // During classfile writing with COMPUTE_FAMES (-target:jvm-1.6 or larger), the ClassfileWriter // puts the ICONST_2 into a new basic block, because the preceding operation (IRETURN) ends // the current block. We get something like // // L1: ICONST_1; IRETURN // L2: ICONST_2 << dead // L3: IRETURN << dead // // Finally, instructions in the dead basic blocks are replaced by ATHROW, as explained in // a comment in BCodeBodyBuilder. assertSameCode(noDce.dropNonOp, List(Op(ICONST_1), Op(IRETURN), Op(ATHROW), Op(ATHROW))) } @Test def eliminateDeadCatchBlocks(): Unit = { // the Label(1) is live: it's used in the local variable descriptor table (local variable "this" has a range from 0 to 1). def wrapInDefault(code: Instruction*) = List(Label(0), LineNumber(1, Label(0))) ::: code.toList ::: List(Label(1)) val code = "def f: Int = { return 0; try { 1 } catch { case _: Exception => 2 } }" val m = dceCompiler.compileMethod(code) assertTrue(m.handlers.isEmpty) // redundant (if code is gone, handler is gone), but done once here for extra safety assertSameCode(m.instructions, wrapInDefault(Op(ICONST_0), Op(IRETURN))) val code2 = "def f: Unit = { try { } catch { case _: Exception => () }; () }" // requires fixpoint optimization of methodOptCompiler (dce alone is not enough): first the handler is eliminated, then it's dead catch block. assertSameCode(methodOptCompiler.compileInstructions(code2), wrapInDefault(Op(RETURN))) val code3 = "def f: Unit = { try { } catch { case _: Exception => try { } catch { case _: Exception => () } }; () }" assertSameCode(methodOptCompiler.compileInstructions(code3), wrapInDefault(Op(RETURN))) // this example requires two iterations to get rid of the outer handler. // the first iteration of DCE cannot remove the inner handler. then the inner (empty) handler is removed. // then the second iteration of DCE removes the inner catch block, and then the outer handler is removed. val code4 = "def f: Unit = { try { try { } catch { case _: Exception => () } } catch { case _: Exception => () }; () }" assertSameCode(methodOptCompiler.compileInstructions(code4), wrapInDefault(Op(RETURN))) } @Test // test the dce-testing tools def metaTest(): Unit = { assertThrows[AssertionError]( assertEliminateDead(Op(RETURN).dead), _.contains("Expected: List()\nActual : List(Op(RETURN))") ) assertThrows[AssertionError]( assertEliminateDead(Op(RETURN), Op(RETURN)), _.contains("Expected: List(Op(RETURN), Op(RETURN))\nActual : List(Op(RETURN))") ) } @Test def bytecodeEquivalence(): Unit = { assertTrue(List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1)) === List(VarOp(ILOAD, 2))) assertTrue(List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), VarOp(ISTORE, 1)) === List(VarOp(ILOAD, 2), VarOp(ISTORE, 2))) // the first Op will associate 1->2, then the 2->2 will fail assertFalse(List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), VarOp(ISTORE, 2)) === List(VarOp(ILOAD, 2), VarOp(ISTORE, 2))) // will associate 1->2 and 2->1, which is OK assertTrue(List(VarOp(ILOAD, 1), VarOp(ISTORE, 2)) === List(VarOp(ILOAD, 2), VarOp(ISTORE, 1))) assertTrue(List(Label(1), Label(2), Label(1)) === List(Label(2), Label(4), Label(2))) assertTrue(List(LineNumber(1, Label(1)), Label(1)) === List(LineNumber(1, Label(3)), Label(3))) assertFalse(List(LineNumber(1, Label(1)), Label(1)) === List(LineNumber(1, Label(3)), Label(1))) assertTrue(List(TableSwitch(TABLESWITCH, 1, 3, Label(4), List(Label(5), Label(6))), Label(4), Label(5), Label(6)) === List(TableSwitch(TABLESWITCH, 1, 3, Label(9), List(Label(3), Label(4))), Label(9), Label(3), Label(4))) assertTrue(List(FrameEntry(F_FULL, List(INTEGER, DOUBLE, Label(3)), List("java/lang/Object", Label(4))), Label(3), Label(4)) === List(FrameEntry(F_FULL, List(INTEGER, DOUBLE, Label(1)), List("java/lang/Object", Label(3))), Label(1), Label(3))) } @Test def loadNullNothingBytecode(): Unit = { val code = """class C { | def nl: Null = null | def nt: Nothing = throw new Error("") | def cons(a: Any) = () | | def t1 = cons(null) | def t2 = cons(nl) | def t3 = cons(throw new Error("")) | def t4 = cons(nt) |} """.stripMargin val c = noOptCompiler.compileClass(code) assertSameSummary(getMethod(c, "nl"), List(ACONST_NULL, ARETURN)) assertSameSummary(getMethod(c, "nt"), List( NEW, DUP, LDC, "", ATHROW)) assertSameSummary(getMethod(c, "t1"), List( ALOAD, ACONST_NULL, "cons", RETURN)) // GenBCode introduces POP; ACONST_NULL after loading an expression of type scala.runtime.Null$, // see comment in BCodeBodyBuilder.adapt assertSameSummary(getMethod(c, "t2"), List( ALOAD, ALOAD, "nl", POP, ACONST_NULL, "cons", RETURN)) // the bytecode generated by GenBCode is ... ATHROW; INVOKEVIRTUAL C.cons; RETURN // the ASM classfile writer creates a new basic block (creates a label) right after the ATHROW // and replaces all instructions by NOP*; ATHROW, see comment in BCodeBodyBuilder.adapt // NOTE: DCE is enabled by default and gets rid of the redundant code (tested below) assertSameSummary(getMethod(c, "t3"), List( ALOAD, NEW, DUP, LDC, "", ATHROW, NOP, NOP, NOP, ATHROW)) // GenBCode introduces an ATHROW after the invocation of C.nt, see BCodeBodyBuilder.adapt // NOTE: DCE is enabled by default and gets rid of the redundant code (tested below) assertSameSummary(getMethod(c, "t4"), List( ALOAD, ALOAD, "nt", ATHROW, NOP, NOP, NOP, ATHROW)) val cDCE = dceCompiler.compileClass(code) assertSameSummary(getMethod(cDCE, "t3"), List(ALOAD, NEW, DUP, LDC, "", ATHROW)) assertSameSummary(getMethod(cDCE, "t4"), List(ALOAD, ALOAD, "nt", ATHROW)) } }