package package testing import org.junit.Assert import Assert._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.stringOf import scala.collection.{ GenIterable, IterableLike } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable import java.lang.ref._ import java.lang.reflect._ import java.util.IdentityHashMap /** This module contains additional higher-level assert statements * that are ultimately based on junit.Assert primitives. */ object AssertUtil { private final val timeout = 60 * 1000L // wait a minute private implicit class `ref helper`[A](val r: Reference[A]) extends AnyVal { def isEmpty: Boolean = r.get == null def nonEmpty: Boolean = !isEmpty } private implicit class `class helper`(val clazz: Class[_]) extends AnyVal { def allFields: List[Field] = { def loop(k: Class[_]): List[Field] = if (k == null) Nil else k.getDeclaredFields.toList ::: loop(k.getSuperclass) loop(clazz) } } private implicit class `field helper`(val f: Field) extends AnyVal { def follow(o: AnyRef): AnyRef = { f setAccessible true f get o } } /** Check that throwable T (or a subclass) was thrown during evaluation of `body`, * and that its message satisfies the `checkMessage` predicate. * Any other exception is propagated. */ def assertThrows[T <: Throwable: ClassTag](body: => Any, checkMessage: String => Boolean = s => true): Unit = { try { body fail("Expression did not throw!") } catch { case e: T if checkMessage(e.getMessage) => } } /** JUnit-style assertion for `IterableLike.sameElements`. */ def assertSameElements[A, B >: A](expected: IterableLike[A, _], actual: GenIterable[B], message: String = ""): Unit = if (!(expected sameElements actual)) fail( f"${ if (message.nonEmpty) s"$message " else "" }expected:<${ stringOf(expected) }> but was:<${ stringOf(actual) }>" ) /** Convenient for testing iterators. */ def assertSameElements[A, B >: A](expected: IterableLike[A, _], actual: Iterator[B]): Unit = assertSameElements(expected, actual.toList, "") /** Value is not strongly reachable from roots after body is evaluated. */ def assertNotReachable[A <: AnyRef](a: => A, roots: AnyRef*)(body: => Unit): Unit = { val wkref = new WeakReference(a) def refs(root: AnyRef): mutable.Set[AnyRef] = { val seen = new IdentityHashMap[AnyRef, Unit] def loop(o: AnyRef): Unit = if (wkref.nonEmpty && o != null && !seen.containsKey(o)) { seen.put(o, ()) for { f <- o.getClass.allFields if !Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers) if !f.getType.isPrimitive if !classOf[Reference[_]].isAssignableFrom(f.getType) } loop(f follow o) } loop(root) seen.keySet.asScala } body for (r <- roots if wkref.nonEmpty) { assertFalse(s"Root $r held reference", refs(r) contains wkref.get) } } }