package tools.test.osgi import org.ops4j.pax.exam.CoreOptions._ import org.ops4j.pax.exam import trait ScalaOsgiHelper { private def allBundleFiles = { def bundleLocation = new File(sys.props.getOrElse("scala.bundle.dir", "build/osgi")) bundleLocation.listFiles filter (_.getName endsWith ".jar") } private def filteredBundleFiles(names: String*): Array[exam.Option] = for(bundle <- allBundleFiles; if names exists (bundle.getName contains _)) yield makeBundle(bundle) private def makeBundle(file: File): exam.Option = bundle(file.toURI.toASCIIString) def standardOptions: Array[exam.Option] = { val bundles = (allBundleFiles map makeBundle) bundles ++ Array[exam.Option](felix(), equinox(), junitBundles()) // to change the local repo used (for some operations, but not all -- which is why I didn't bother): // systemProperty("org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.localRepository").value(sys.props("maven.repo.local"))) } def justReflectionOptions: Array[exam.Option] = { val bundles = filteredBundleFiles("scala-library", "scala-reflect") bundles ++ Array[exam.Option](felix(), equinox(), junitBundles()) } def justCoreLibraryOptions: Array[exam.Option] = { val bundles = filteredBundleFiles("scala-library") bundles ++ Array[exam.Option](felix(), equinox(), junitBundles()) } }