module lists { trait List[a] { def isEmpty: Boolean; def head: a; def tail: List[a]; def prepend(x: a) = Cons[a](x, this); } def Nil[a] = new List[a] { def isEmpty = True; def head = error[a]("head of Nil"); def tail = error[List[a]]("tail of Nil"); } def Cons[a](x: a, xs: List[a]): List[a] = new List[a] { def isEmpty = Boolean.False; def head = x; def tail = xs; } def foo = { val intnil = Nil[Int]; val intlist = intnil.prepend(1).prepend(1+1); val x: Int = intlist.head; val strnil = Nil[String]; val strlist = strnil.prepend("A").prepend("AA"); val y: String = strlist.head; () } class IntList() extends List[Int] { def isEmpty: Boolean = False; def head: Int = 1; def foo: List[Int] with { def isEmpty: True.type; def head: Int; def tail: List[Int] } = Nil[Int]; def tail0: List[Int] = foo.prepend(1).prepend(1+1); def tail: List[Int] = Nil[Int].prepend(1).prepend(1+1); } def foo2 = { val il1 = new IntList(); val il2 = il1.prepend(1).prepend(2); () } }