// This tests the implicit comment inheritance capabilities of scaladoc for class inheritance (no $super, no @inheritdoc) class InheritDocBase { /** * The base comment. And another sentence... * * @param arg1 The T term comment * @param arg2 The string comment * @tparam T the type of the first argument * @throws SomeException if the function is not called with correct parameters * @return The return comment * @see The Manual * @note Be careful! * @example function[Int](3, "something") * @author a Scala developer * @version 0.0.2 * @since 0.0.1 * @todo Call mom. */ def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 0.0d } class InheritDocDerived extends InheritDocBase { /** * Starting line * * @inheritdoc * @inheritdoc * * Ending line * * @param arg1 Start1 @inheritdoc End1 * @param arg2 Start2 @inheritdoc End2 * @param arg3 Start3 ShouldWarn @inheritdoc End3 * @tparam T StartT @inheritdoc EndT * @tparam ShouldWarn StartSW @inheritdoc EndSW * @throws SomeException StartEx @inheritdoc EndEx * @throws SomeOtherException StartSOE Should Warn @inheritdoc EndSOE * @return StartRet @inheritdoc EndRet * @see StartSee @inheritdoc EndSee * @note StartNote @inheritdoc EndNote * @example StartExample @inheritdoc EndExample * @author StartAuthor @inheritdoc EndAuthor * @version StartVer @inheritdoc EndVer * @since StartSince @inheritdoc EndSince * @todo StartTodo @inheritdoc And dad! EndTodo */ override def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double = 1.0d }