import import object Test extends ScaladocModelTest { // Working around the fact that usecases have the form Coll[T] and not Coll[T, U], as required by Map override def code = """ /** * @define Coll C[T] */ class C[T] { /** * @usecase def foo[T]: $Coll[T] */ def foo[T: Numeric]: C[T] } /** * @define Coll D1[T] */ class D[U, T] extends C[T] { protected type D1[Z] = D[U, Z] } """ // no need for special settings def scaladocSettings = "" def testModel(rootPackage: Package) = { // get the quick access implicit defs in scope (_package(s), _class(es), _trait(s), object(s) _method(s), _value(s)) import access._ // just need to check the member exists, access methods will throw an error if there's a problem assert(rootPackage._class("D")._method("foo") == "D[U, T]", rootPackage._class("D")._method("foo") + " == D[U, T]") } }