import import object Test extends ScaladocModelTest { override def code = """ package scala.test.scaladoc.existentials { import language.higherKinds import language.existentials class X[T, U, V] trait TEST { type T type U type A def foo1(x: X[T, U, _]) = 3 def foo2(x: X[Z[_], U, z.type] forSome {type Z[_] <: { def z: String }; val z: Z[_ <: Int]}) = 4 def foo3(x: X[Z, Z, V] forSome { type Z <: T; type V <: T }) = 6 } } """ // no need for special settings def scaladocSettings = "-feature" def testModel(rootPackage: Package) = { // get the quick access implicit defs in scope (_package(s), _class(es), _trait(s), object(s) _method(s), _value(s)) import access._ val base = rootPackage._package("scala")._package("test")._package("scaladoc")._package("existentials") val TEST = base._trait("TEST") val foo1 = TEST._method("foo1") assert(foo1.valueParams(0)(0) == "X[T, U, _]", foo1.valueParams(0)(0) + " == X[T, U, _]") val foo2 = TEST._method("foo2") assert(foo2.valueParams(0)(0) == "X[Z[_], U, _ <: [_]AnyRef { def z: String } with Singleton]", foo2.valueParams(0)(0) + " == X[Z[_], U, _ <: [_]AnyRef { def z: String } with Singleton]") val foo3 = TEST._method("foo3") assert(foo3.valueParams(0)(0) == "X[Z, Z, V] forSome {type Z <: T, type V <: T}", foo3.valueParams(0)(0) + " == X[Z, Z, V] forSome {type Z <: T, type V <: T}") } }