import import object Test extends ScaladocModelTest { override def code = """ /** * Only the 'deprecated' tag should stay. * * @author * @since * @todo * @note * @see * @version * @deprecated * @example * @constructor */ object Test { /** * Only the 'throws' tag should stay. * @param foo * @param bar * @param baz * @return * @throws Exception * @tparam T */ def foo[T](foo: Any, bar: Any, baz: Any): Int = 1 } """ def scaladocSettings = "" def test(b: Boolean, text: => String): Unit = if (!b) println(text) def testModel(root: Package) = { import access._ val obj = root._object("Test") val c = obj.comment.get test(c.authors.isEmpty, s"expected no authors, found: ${c.authors}") test(!c.since.isDefined, s"expected no since tag, found: ${c.since}") test(c.todo.isEmpty, s"expected no todos, found: ${c.todo}") test(c.note.isEmpty, s"expected no note, found: ${c.note}") test(c.see.isEmpty, s"expected no see, found: ${c.see}") test(!c.version.isDefined, s"expected no version tag, found: ${c.version}") // deprecated stays test(c.deprecated.isDefined, s"expected deprecated tag, found none") test(c.example.isEmpty, s"expected no example, found: ${c.example}") test(!c.constructor.isDefined, s"expected no constructor tag, found: ${c.constructor}") val method = obj._method("foo") val mc = method.comment.get test(mc.valueParams.isEmpty, s"expected empty value params, found: ${mc.valueParams}") test(mc.typeParams.isEmpty, s"expected empty type params, found: ${mc.typeParams}") test(!mc.result.isDefined, s"expected no result tag, found: ${mc.result}") // throws stay test(!mc.throws.isEmpty, s"expected an exception tag, found: ${mc.throws}") } }