import import import object Test extends ScaladocModelTest { override def code = """ package scala.test.scaladoc.T8857 /** * A link: * * [[scala.Option$ object Option]]. */ class A """ // a non-canonical path to scala-library.jar should still work // this is a bit fragile (depends on the current directory being the root of the repo ; // ant & partest seem to do that properly) def scaladocSettings = "-doc-external-doc build/pack/bin/../lib/scala-library.jar#" def testModel(rootPackage: Package) = { // get the quick access implicit defs in scope (_package(s), _class(es), _trait(s), object(s) _method(s), _value(s)) import access._ val a = rootPackage._package("scala")._package("test")._package("scaladoc")._package("T8857")._class("A") val links = countLinks(a.comment.get,[LinkToExternal]) assert(links == 1, links + " == 1 (the links to external in class A)") } }