#!/usr/bin/env bash # # builds nightlies [[ $# -gt 0 ]] || { cat < [opt opt ...] Everything after the version is supplied to scalac and partest. Example: $0 -Xcheckinit -Ycheck:all Environment variables: EXTRA_TARGETS Additional ant targets to run after nightly EOM exit 0 } # version isn't actually used at present. scalaVersion="$1" && shift scalaArgs="-Dscalac.args=\"$@\" -Dpartest.scalac_opts=\"$@\"" ant all.clean && ./pull-binary-libs.sh ant $scalaArgs build-opt && ant $scalaArgs nightly && for target in $EXTRA_TARGETS; do ant $target ; done # [[ -n "$BUILD_DOCSCOMP" ]] && ant docscomp